When You Make Him Blush

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- You manage to make him blush without even trying so when you actually are trying watching his face and neck turn completely red almost immediately always makes your day.

- It's really not that difficult to do since he'll blush at the tiniest of things that involve you, including what you wear, what soap you use, and what you say to him whether you meant to make him blush or not.

- You'll sometimes make suggestive comments towards him without even meaning for them to be suggestive he just has a dirty mind so you'll be confused when he is blushing.

- When you're actually trying to make him blush though you'll go all out and he knows there's no way he can stop you because once it's happening nobody is stopping you from having your fun.

- You'll make sure you do it on a day where you don't embarrass him in front of his peers because you don't want him to have to deal with that so it's usually when you two have a date that you turn on the charm and frankly seductive side of you.

- You'll wear one of the most scandalous outfits you can find that is still acceptable in public and you'll also be super touchy with him all night.

- You're not obvious about it so anybody from an outside perspective would just think that it was a normal date meanwhile he's taking a note of every time your fingertips lightly graze his neck, or your knee moves to touch his, or hell when you just gently kiss him but still having passion behind it.

- He knows what you're doing and he can't say that he isn't enjoying it because in all honesty he loves this side of you and since you only do this when you two have a dinner date it's a nice treat for him whenever you two go out.

- He knows that you relish in his reactions so he never tries to hide them from you only from the rest of the world because he doesn't want anybody to realize how much you're making him blush at the moment.

- If you two are relaxing in one of your dorms and it's just the two of you you'll once again get super touchy and start giving him light massages all over his body.

- This drives him crazy and he knows that any one of his classmates could walk through the door and see his face right now but he doesn't want to tell you to stop because it does feel amazing.

- "Izuku look at you, all I did was touch you and your beet red. Calm down a little bit you look like you're going to blow a damn blood vessel."

- He smiles at that comment and leans back into your embrace since you were sitting behind him and he just sits there for quite a while enjoying the sound of your heartbeat the red on his cheeks still not going away.

- "I can't help it Y/N. You should know by now what kind of an effect you have on me. You're just too good at what you do so I can't stop myself from blushing."

- He turns around to lightly kiss your shocked face happy that he managed to throw you off just a little bit before going back to his homework.

- You kind of just sit there frozen to your spot for a bit because even though you were making him blush you completely forget how blunt he can be with his compliments towards you and they almost always throw you off since they come out of left field for him.

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