The Kidnapping

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- Aizawa had assigned you to a very important mission that only you and he knew about and apparently it was because your quirk was best suited for the mission.

- You didn't really want to keep it a secret because you figured that something would go wrong given your luck and you were right because nothing's ever easy in your life and you were captured almost immediately.

-  You're entire mission was basically to infiltrate and destroy a huge villain company that was running right under the police's noses and Aizawa just figured that you could walk in there and set off your quirk which would eviscerate pretty much everything in and around the area.

- You explained to him countless times that your quirk doesn't work like that and it'll most likely take you longer than just a few seconds to take down everything but he was so busy balancing everybody else's training so he just sent you on the mission by yourself anyway.

- Midoriya caught on that something was wrong with you before you left the school grounds though and that's why he was pestering Aizawa all day to tell him what was going on since he could see that his teacher was hiding something.

- When Aizawa finally told him that he sent you on a very dangerous mission by yourself because Aizawa was too busy to go with you Midoriya was frantically trying to get information on where you were and if you were okay.

- Unfortunately for Aizawa the mission went completely wrong and he was called into Nezu's office about an hour later which is where he was informed that you were captured and are now currently being held, hostage.

- Apparently, you were captured even before you reached the villain's spot which meant that they knew that the heroes were watching them and they were waiting for somebody to send literally anybody in so they could hold that person hostage.

- Midoriya overheard this entire thing and got rightfully pissed at this entire situation because you had been through enough and now you have to be kidnapped and held hostage just because Aizawa didn't wanna do his job as a hero that day.

- He wasn't even mad at just Aizawa he was mad at every hero who set this entire thing up and just decided a high schooler could go in and do their jobs for them instead of just prioritizing this supposedly extremely important mission.

- His friends tried to calm him down but he was just yelling at the top of his lungs in the dorms at anyone who tried to approach him because he was so mad that this happened and now you're in danger and he has no idea where you are.

- "Stop telling me to calm down! The next person that tells me to calm down is going to be sent through one of these walls do you understand?! They have my girlfriend because the heroes didn't want to do their jobs so, be quiet!"

- He's even mad at All Might since of course, All Might knew this was going on and didn't inform him that you were in this kind of trouble.

- The only time he's been this mad is when you were attacked which caused him to almost kill somebody else and nobody really wants that to happen again.

- They all know how important you are to him his friends and teachers included are well aware of how much this is affecting him but they have to focus on you right now and they just have to hope he doesn't break anything important or go off and do this by himself.

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