You Get Harassed

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- There was this big festival being put on in town and he wanted to take you since the place seemed like it was going to be filled with a bunch of your favorite things.

- Your eyes practically lit up when he showed you the brochure and you got even more excited when he told you that he wanted to take you there so you were all set to go on this date and he was happy to see you so excited.

- You had fun for the first two hours but unfortunately when he separated from you just to go get you some food a random guy walked up to you and started talking to you while getting way too close for comfort.

- You tried being polite and just trying to make up an excuse to get out of this situation but he had you pinned against a wall with his arms right next to your head so you barely had any room to move and push him off of you.

- He kept getting closer to you and his friendly persona is long gone since he's now dropping as many flirty comments as he can.

- He actually manages to press a few disgusting kisses to your collarbone and neck and you still can't manage to get him off you since you're stuck in such a compromising position which is why you're actually panicking now.

- The guy is ripped away from you in a millisecond and you're immediately wrapped in your boyfriend's embrace as he checks you over making sure you aren't wounded.

- You look over and realize that Midoriya used his quirk to slam the guy into a wall across the entire venue and he didn't even bother to check if the guy was still breathing or not as he gently kisses you trying to ground you let you know that he's there.

- The sound of coughing and yelling alerts him to the fact that the guy survived and he slowly turns to him with murder in his eyes.

- "I'd lay back down if I were you because if you stay standing you're going to force me to hit you again and break even more bones in your body. If you even think for a second that I'm going to just let you walk away after what you did, you've got another thing coming."

- The guy takes the warning and lays back down on the ground just waiting for paramedics to show up and help him which is going to take quite a while and that makes Midoriya happy as hell since that means he gets to suffer, longer.

- He takes your hand and just decides that it's better to take you home and help you relax for the rest of the night because you two can always come back before the festival ends at the end of the week so he isn't worried about it.

- He keeps you in his arms the entire way there and he takes you right to your dorm room and lays you down on your bed and he drops right down on top of you completely protecting you in his own way making sure that nothing could hit you through him.

- He places a few gentle kisses to where he knows the other guy did and he's just trying to do his best to remove any sign that he did anything to you and he actually apologizes to you multiple times for not getting to you quickly enough.

- You've managed to relax completely at this point and you tell him that he's got nothing to apologize for and he just holds you tighter to him just trying to calm himself down at this point because he's still fuming.

- He just wants to be able to erase this memory from your mind and he's angry at himself for letting it happen in the first place but he finally calms down when he feels you run your fingers through his hair as you thank him for protecting you.

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