The Trial

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- This is ridiculous...all of his pleas for these people to listen to him have been ignored and it's now gotten to the point where he's actually going to trial for a murder he didn't commit and there's nothing he can do about it since the false evidence they have is actually pretty solid.

- Someone managed to get his fingerprints and planted them all over the murder scene as well as the murder weapon not to mention the fact that somebody else also managed to get a hold of his blood which was planted at the scene as well.

- A note was left written in his handwriting essentially confessing to the murder, the victim was a known criminal in the area so the assumption was that Midoriya went rogue and decided to enact some vigilante justice that took a turn for the worst.

- Needless to say, he's a little bit worried because he honestly has no idea how he could argue this without your testimony which was thankfully taking place today, all you had to do was say that he was with you all day because he was and provide evidence of that.

- He was very excited to see you, despite the situation he hasn't gotten to see you in a good week at this point so he was really happy when he walked into the courtroom and saw you and when you saw him, you gave him the sweetest smile he's ever seen you give.

- This trial has been going on for three straight days and now on the fourth they're finally going to be able to hear your testimony and he's finally going to get to go home because he knows you have pictures as well showing that he was with you the exact same time the murder took place.

- The question started out simple, asking you your name, what your relationship was with him, and how long you've known him, but then they got a little bit more personal, diving into how he reacted when you were attacked, and how he may have reacted to anybody else who was a threat to you.

- After all those questions were answered, you still had a cool head and you were finally able to give your testimony of what happened that day as well as provide your proof so this was surely going to be over soon.

- "Well, we woke up that morning and ate some breakfast. The students had the entire day off so we didn't really have to train nor did we want to so we spent all day on the couch watching a bunch of movies. I took a picture of him with a bunch of candy sticking to his face and his hand at the bottom of his fifth bag of popcorn. This was right around the time you guys say he was able to kill someone."

- That should have been the end of it..but it wasn't...he wasn't expecting the attorney trying to convict him to rip into you as hard as they did but they effectively did prove that your testimony could be altered due to your own personal feelings about this entire situation.

- "Thank you Miss L/N. That's a very interesting testimony. What I find even more interesting is the fact that these photos were not produced sooner during these trials. That could definitely indicate that they were easily altered especially since they were digitally taken. I'm also correct in assuming that you are very infatuated with Mr. Midoriya potentially to the point that you would lie for him. After all, he did defend you so valiantly against your attacker about a year ago. Maybe now you're trying to pay him back."

- You're not allowed to respond, you just sit there wide-eyed in shock as you realize that he's not going to be coming home today and you also glance at the jury and realize that most of them seem to have already discounted you.

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