You Meet His Parents

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- You met his mom without him even realizing it so he was very confused when he went to introduce you two the first time you were over at his house.

- You actually ran up to his mom and hugged her while addressing her by her name while he just stood there watching the situation in confusion.

- You met his mom when you were little and she was volunteering for an event at your local park and she was so kind to you and actually kept in contact with you since she was well aware of your situation with your family.

- She would bring you food quite often and offered you a place to stay many times but you always declined because you didn't want to be even more of a burden than you thought you were.

- Once all this was explained to him he was still a little put off by the fact that you already knew his mom mainly because he finds that fact way too coincidental but he doesn't really mind since that means you have a good relationship with his mother.

- He always wants his mother's approval when it comes to who he dates because his mom is one of the most important people in this life and the fact that you have an amazing relationship with her just makes him very happy.

- She wasn't the only one who took pity on you when you were growing up and you were actually picked up and just kind of disappeared for a while so she assumed you were dead.

- When Inko saw you walk through her door holding her son's hand she couldn't be happier because she knows you're a good kid and she could tell by the look on Izuku's face that you make him happy.

- "Izuku stop standing over there and come sit down and tell me how you two manage to meet. It's such a small world I'm surprised to see you two together."

- "Mom don't squeeze her too tight she's still recovering. I didn't even know you two knew each other so this is a pleasant surprise, to say the least."

- She quickly jumps away from you being well aware of your attack since Izuku told her about it without revealing too many details.

- He never really said a lot about you to his mom mainly because he's been so busy with training so all she really knew is that he loves you and you're taking good care of him.

- Seeing your dynamic with each other in front of her very eyes though was enough to tell her that you were perfect for him and it was obvious that the both of you have already gone through a lot in this relationship and still made it out on top.

- You catch her staring and smile at her while offering to help with anything you can whenever she needs it.

- She takes your hands and practically glows as she tells you that you don't need to worry about any of that and she's just glad to see that you're making her son happy and that you've managed to have a decent life so far.

- Midoriya blushes in embarrassment but you just smile once again really thankful for the fact that she obviously approves of you two being together.


- You met his parents during a visiting day for all the students in the U.A. dorms, but the two of you completely forgot that was going to happen so you were shocked when his dorm room door was flung open and you were met with his parents.

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