When You Mark Him Up

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- Do whatever you want to him honestly he doesn't care if you bite him, scratch him, or leave several marks on his neck and chest he honestly doesn't care and actually encourages you to be as rough as possible.

- Look he's already well aware that he's a masochist and you're aware of that as well which is why he tends to lose his mind a little bit when the marks you leave on him actually hurt a little bit.

- He wants to feel that pleasurable ache the next morning all around the hickeys and bite marks you may or may not have left on him so don't be surprised when he tells you to bite him harder or to make him bleed with your nails.

- Sometimes you worry that he may be losing all sense of his limits however the look of pure joy on his face as he stares into the mirror the next morning just admiring the deep scratches you left down his back reassures you completely that he was well aware of what he was asking you to do.

- He likes the feeling of you running your fingers over them the next day as well since the entire area will still be pretty tender however you're so tender and gentle when you touch them that he barely feels the sting.

- Once again he doesn't mind a little pain so he even encourages you to apply more pressure when you're tracing those marks since it just sends shivers down his spine when you do so and he can admit to the fact that his knees almost buckle.

- He wears those marks proudly as well and never hesitates to answer his classmate's questions about what happened to him since he doesn't even try to hide them at all and it does look like he was hit by something so of course, they'd be concerned.

- His classmates are actually used to it by now and have stopped asking him why he has a bunch of bruises around his neck as well as very vivid scratch marks down his back since he's always painfully honest with his answer.

- Seriously he's really proud of his relationship with you so he's going to be completely honest whenever anybody asks anything about it however he catches those people off guard because they usually expect to hear that he was attacked not that his girlfriend marked him up the night before.

- What can he say, he's a sucker for the things you do for him and it's not unusual for him to brag about you in general so this isn't any different for him which is where you come in because you've prevented him from saying some pretty explicit stuff to his poor unsuspecting friends.

- Also, expect him to stay glued to you for a hell of a long time after leaving that first mark on him because he absolutely refuses to unlatch from you so expect to have him following you around for the next few days.

- He likes to follow you around though because that increases the chances of you brushing up against his wrists that most likely have bruises on them from being tied up the night before, or, it increases the chances of you just flat-out kissing a couple of the marks on his neck in your spare time.

- When you two are alone there's even a chance that you'll leave a few more on him just because you can and he honestly wishes he could just spend all day with you nipping and sucking on his skin.

- He may even return the favor and leave a few marks of his own in the exact same places you did just so you'd be matching him, however, you might want to be careful because he can definitely get a bit carried away.

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