You Accidentally Hurt Him

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- He knew he shouldn't have snuck up on you especially when you had your headphones on so you weren't aware of anything going on around you so he figured he should have walked around you so you could see him instead of just wrapping his arms around you from behind.

- Usually, you'd be completely fine with him hugging you however you were so zoned out into whatever you were listening to you didn't even hear him approach you nor did you sense it so obviously you're immediate reaction was to set off your quirk.

- Well...that sent your poor boyfriend flying across the room with pain running through every single part of his body while also simultaneously getting the wind knocked out of him as he tries to process what the hell just happened.

- The pain didn't even really set in until a few seconds later when he was already on the ground after being slammed against the wall so he was really just trying to figure out how the hell he wound up across the room when he was hugging you less than a second ago.

- You take off your headphones and turn around expecting to find an intruder but instead you find your very wounded boyfriend trying to get the air back into his lungs.

- Oh the guilt you felt as you ran over to him trying to use the healing side of your quirk as best you can however your mind is sort of freaking out at the moment because you're slowly realizing that if you had actually tried you could have wound up killing him.

- He finally is able to breathe properly again as he immediately tries to tell you that he's okay and you don't have to worry because he can already tell by the way your body is shaking that you're freaking out even more than he is.

- Having heard the loud bang coming from your dorm room most of your classmates and Aizawa had already shown up obviously looking for some kind of an explanation while also waiting for Recovery Girl to show up to help as well.

- You were pretty much in shock at the moment so you didn't really say much and it was left up to him to actually fill everybody in on how he just stupidly scared you and you reacted as anyone would.

- Luckily even though it felt like his body was on fire for a while after Recovery Girl tended to him he was completely fine however you were not because you could barely even look him in the eye especially when he would still occasionally wince just because of the little bit of bruising he did have left.

- He didn't want you feeling bad about this since he shouldn't have scared you and if anything he would have been a little bit disappointed if you didn't defend yourself if you thought somebody was grabbing you.

- You have just stayed sitting on the floor in front of him since he hasn't really gotten up from where he was thrown yet and you still refuse to even look at him so he decides to gently turn your chin so you can look at him while he speaks to you.

- "Y/N come on don't be upset. It was an accident you were defending yourself against what you thought was somebody trying to harm you. I'm actually glad that you were able to defend yourself even though I wasn't attacking you. Look I'm all right I'll have a few bruises but other than that I'm completely fine so please smile for me."

- He gives you a gentle smile trying to prompt you into doing the same and eventually you do once he pokes your cheek while teasingly begging you just to lift the corners of your mouth a little bit.

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