When You Take Care Of Him

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- He's kept his word to you since the fight about not overusing his quirk and taking time off when he believes that his body needs it.

- That went out the window the second a Nomu showed up in the middle of the street and he was forced to fight it alone until the heroes showed up causing him to break a lot of bones in his body.

- Recovery Girl couldn't heal every single break so he was bedridden for quite a while until he was able to get his casts.

- You weren't even in the city at the moment because Aizawa sent you on an out-of-town assignment with a lot of hero protection that would take you a week at least.

- The second you heard what happened to him you left immediately to come home because frankly the heroes could handle the rest of what you needed to do and you wanted to make sure that he was okay and not dying.

- He got the crap scared out of him when you slammed open his door demanding to know why he overused his quirk while also yelling at him if he was okay because you were just so panicked.

- He quickly calms you down by telling you the entire situation and you apologize for yelling at him while handing him a few necessities he may need in the near future.

- He realizes quite quickly that you are not supposed to be here especially when you duck behind him in his bed when you hear Aizawa coming to check up on him before he goes out.

- Aizawa spotted you pretty easily and figured why you were back but as far as it was concerned you did your part on the job he needed you on so he just pretended like nothing happened and walked away.

- You feel Midoriya lightly tap your head to let you know that he's gone and you both are finally able to relax and enjoy each other's company since he really did miss you despite this situation.

- "I'm glad you're back Y/N. Sorry, I snapped my bones again I know I promised you I wouldn't to this level but thank you for bringing me the stuff I need."

- "Izuku you were defending yourself and the people around you I'm not going to blame you for that. I'm just glad you're alright and it was no problem. Please just tell me if you need something because I'm not going back anytime soon."

- You never leave his side during the entire time he's bedridden and when he actually is able to get back up and walk around like normal you just kind of hover around him.

- You don't want to suffocate him but you're really worried about him getting hurt so you just kind of watch from afar until he's fully recovered just for the next few days.

- He knows you're keeping an eye on him though and he's thankful for the fact that you care that much and he doesn't want you to just hide in the shadows watching him.

- "Come on love we got to get to class and Aizawa's going to be mad if you're late especially since you're not even supposed to be in town right now."


- He had been feeling extra angry lately and it seems like any little thing would set him off and not even he knew why.

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