First Time

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- He couldn't believe that this was happening and he wasn't complaining at all; he was in so much disbelief that he was actively waiting for it to be revealed that he was just dreaming but thankfully that moment never came.

- He couldn't believe the angelic sight that he was looking up at; your beautiful face, blushing and refusing to look him in the eye as you rode his cock at a moderate pace.

- He moaned out and gripped your hips tighter as you began to clench around him even more trying you chase your high his hips now actively bucking up to meet yours as he captures your lips in a kiss.

- He thrusts up into you, now holding your hips completely still as he takes over and starts doing all the work even though you tried to continue riding him despite how tightly he was holding on to you.

- Your legs gave out when you came and you dropped down on top of him which made him bury himself deep inside of you, catching him off guard and making him moan right into your ear.

- He pumps into you a few more times before cumming into the condom all while whispering praises into your ear since he knows that you're probably being overstimulated quite a bit given the position you two are in.

- He gently rolls over, pulls out of you, and slides right next to you so he can comfortably cuddle you for a little while before taking care of the cleanup.

- "Did I hurt you Y/N? Do you need anything?"

- "No Izuku I'm fine. I just want to stay here with you for the rest of the night. Please don't leave yet. You're so comfortable."

- "I'm not going anywhere Y/N, but the second you need something you tell me all right? I want to repay you for making me feel so good."

- You smile and give him a sleepy kiss, before snuggling into his chest already practically knocked out which he was aware of which is why he refused to move until he knew you were peacefully sleeping and he wouldn't disturb you when he moved.

- He runs his fingers through your hair, watching you closely, analyzing your face making sure that you don't show any signs of discomfort, however, he underestimates how comfortable he actually is because his chest feels like a pillow.

- He moves away from you and slowly gets out of bed so he can make his way to the bathroom so he can clean himself off and bring back a  few supplies to wash you off as well so you don't have to sleep covered in sweat.

- He's so giddy the entire time he cleans you off, admiring you and your features just trying to figure out how the hell he got so lucky to be with you and he was thanking whoever he needed to in his mind for letting him find you in the first place.

- He climbs back into bed with you and gently moves his arms around your body, tracing your curves one last time before wrapping them around your waist while turning your body towards him so you could lay your head back on his chest.

- He falls asleep dreaming of you and with a smile on his face, enjoying the warmth that your body provides him as well as the comfort your presence brings him as well.


- You two were most likely going to get caught and he knew it; this was a stupid decision and plan that could easily go wrong in several different ways but he didn't care and he couldn't not in a situation like this.

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