When He's Left Alone

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- He's depressed, he's so depressed, you had to take care of a few things around the school which meant that for the first time in a while, his schedule didn't really match up with yours which means he didn't get to see you quite often.

- All day he's been catching glimpses of you and glimpses only, he barely gets the chance to talk to you before you're pulled away to complete another task and he is so sad about it, he's so used to being around you constantly that it's honestly weird to not have you right next to him.

- He walks around the school and attends all of his classes with quite a frown on his face and everybody knows why he's upset, they just don't really understand why he's acting like he hasn't seen you in weeks when it's only been a couple of hours.

- You don't get it either, every time you see him he seems so upset and you had no idea it was because he was missing you until he told you that when he finally got to talk to you that night and then just made you very confused.

- Granted you thought his pout was absolutely adorable and you were definitely going to tease him about that but you wanted to know why he was so sad to not have you around for a few hours, even then he did get to see you throughout the day so there was really no reason to miss you.

- You're not complaining, not at all, you're really happy that he loves you enough to the point where he does miss you after such a short amount of time however you don't like that he gets so sad without you so easily so you would very much like to know his reasoning.

- His reasoning is that he loves you so much, there's really no other way to put it, he is so attached to you, so used to being around you, so used to asking your opinions on things, you not being there just makes him sad because he can't do those things for a couple of hours.

- Even at the beginning of his relationship with you he was always clinging, he was always very attached to you and you were always very attached to him, that hasn't changed for either of you, he's just more affected by separation now.

- He told you all of this with a blush on his cheeks in a very sad tone of voice which was once again an adorable sight to see but to prevent him from actually crying you went ahead and decided to pamper him for a few days.

- Yes days, you deprived him of affection for a few hours therefore you will spend days making up for it because you want your boyfriend to know that he's loved even though he's well aware that he's loved but he's going to milk the situation for all it's worth.

- He's getting extra attention and love from you so, of course, he's going to act extra sad and extra clingy just because he absolutely adores the amount of attention and time you're putting into him even though it's not like you're doing anything differently.

- You always give him love and affection, all you're doing now is giving him extra on a bigger scale just so he won't be sad anymore even though he cheered up the moment he got to see you the night before, once again he is just getting everything he can out of this.

- He knows that you two can't be together constantly, he's also aware of the fact that once you two graduate it will probably be a little bit difficult to spend time with each other so he is going to give you as much attention as he can as well as getting as much attention as you can provide him.

- He'll immediately back off if he can tell that you do actually have something you need to get to and you can't really afford to spend a lot of time with him, that's really the only time where he won't put on the sad puppy act just to get you to feel extra sorry for him.

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