When You Scare Him

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- You scare him easily and constantly only because you're able to disappear and reappear very easily because of how quiet you usually are and even though he's aware that you may still be in the room he's never really aware of the position you might be in.

- He'll just look up from whatever paperwork he was doing to find you sitting across from him staring at him and asking him a question which scares the crap out of him because he didn't hear you get up from where you were before and walk across the room to sit in front of him.

- This is the only way you could possibly scare him because he's usually very aware of his surroundings and he's always aware of where you might be so you really only catch him off guard if you're in the same room as him and he's in the middle of doing something.

- It doesn't happen often but you're usually very amused when you see the look of shock cross his face before he very quickly asks you to repeat whatever you were asking him since the shock kind of made him go deaf for a couple of seconds.

- The scare you gave him is never really acknowledged by either of you other than once again an amused look on your face that lasts for a minute tops before you both go back to whatever you were doing since it's not necessarily a big deal nor is it necessarily that funny either.

- It would be more hilarious if he had a more outlandish reaction to you randomly appearing in front of him but really he only gets a confused look on his face and jumps a little bit so it's really nothing to acknowledge or even care about in all honesty.

- Now you will sometimes intentionally scare him just because you felt like it and those are the times where you get much more entertainment and amusement out of his reaction no matter how calm his demeanor seems afterward.

- His heart actually does get quite the shock he's just very good at hiding it and honestly even though he looks completely calm his heart is pounding loudly in his chest for the next ten minutes just because he can't recover fast enough from that scare even though he's able to hold up a conversation with you easily.

- It's not like it necessarily bothers him and if you do it to amuse yourself he's really fine with it as long as you don't do it so consecutively that you wind up giving him a heart attack since that is definitely a possibility considering all the scares he has suffered.

- Sometimes he does worry about his heart giving out in general considering how much training he does so you jump scaring him on a daily or even hourly basis is enough to make him fear your presence altogether but luckily for him, you're not that mean.

- You only intentionally scare him every once in a while when you get bored enough and other than that most of them are accidental which he is well aware of and he never makes a big deal about it anyway.

- He has seen the smile that briefly crosses your face when you do see his reaction which is why he never tells you to try and not accidentally scare him since really you're not doing anything in the first place and he wouldn't ask you to stop doing something that made you happy.

- His heart will be fine and he will make sure it doesn't give out if it means he gets to see you continue to enjoy yourself even if it's briefly just so you can have some amusement in his actions.

- Now he's not going to encourage you to do it because once again heart attacks are very high up on his list of things to fear but as long as you keep it minimal he doesn't really care if you scare him or not intentionally or otherwise.

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