When You Feel Insecure

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- He's never given you a reason to feel insecure so that's never what you're insecurities are about it's more about what other people say to you the ruthless comments you tend to receive make your insecurities skyrocket no matter how desperately he tries to stop those comments from being made however it's never really enough.

- Dangerous that's what you are, that's what so many people have called you, dangerous enough to kill people with a snap of your fingers, dangerous enough to harm every single person you care about and they're not exactly wrong because your quirk isn't exactly completely under control so there is always that possibility of the people you care about getting hurt.

- The last time you hit him with your quirk you nearly had a heart attack because you knew how much extensive damage you could have done if you just hit him a little bit harder with a little bit more force you could have easily killed him and since that incident, all you have been thinking about is how he would probably be better suited with somebody who actually knows how to control their ability.

- For some reason, you think that he lives in constant fear and he constantly has his guard up just because he's waiting for the moment you snap or your quirk accidentally sets off so he'll be able to either dodge it or knock you out and you don't want him to live that kind of life at all you would rather him be happy and completely relaxed than always worrying about whether or not you're going to accidentally harm him or the people around him.

- Those thoughts have been weighing you down since the day you figured out what your quirk was however now that you're actually dating him and you have other people to care about those insecurities have gotten much worse extremely quickly so you weren't exactly able to hide how you were feeling for long because you weren't good at masking how much this was affecting you.

- That's how he easily realized that you weren't doing okay for some reason and he wanted to figure out why but every single time he went to approach you you avoided him since you didn't necessarily want to talk about how worried you are you're going to accidentally kill him and how you think that he would definitely be better off with somebody who actually had full control over one of the only things they're in school for.

- Look he can read you like a book, he didn't necessarily know what was going on in your head but he could tell that it had something to do with him and it also had something to do with your quirk because he knows that your definitely terrifying ability is one of the many things you worry about constantly so he was able to put two and two together pretty easily he just didn't really know how to approach you since you kept running off.

- While you may think he's constantly worried about you snapping or hurting him and others he's not, he feels completely safe and content around you all the time, and should your ability go off he'll just help you through it he knows you don't necessarily have control over it so why would he blame you or try to get away from you rather than help you.

- Granted he can't necessarily do much without getting severely injured but he can at least talk you down since your ability seems to be linked to your emotions so you only really lose control when you get scared enough or angry enough as well as setting it off when you're extremely sad as a defense mechanism other than those times you really do have pretty good control over it so he never feels unsafe no matter how many people say that you are dangerous and you shouldn't be allowed to stay at U.A. unsupervised.

- Yeah he's heard those comments about you and he knows how much they bug you even though it's not nearly as bad as before he started dating you he knows that you still aren't completely okay whenever somebody brings up the fact that you could level the school in fact he's heard you get called a villain quite a few times and he's witnessed how people actively try to avoid you just because of what your quirk is.

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