Appreciating His Scars

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- The scars on his arms are a blessing and a curse to him in many different ways most of the time he finds himself just staring at them trying to figure out if they make him feel like a strong survivor and hero or a useless victim.

- He tends to get stuck in his own mind when he stares at his arms purely because he sees them as a reminder of when he was weak and in his mind couldn't protect the people he cared about to his full ability even though he tried to.

- Before his mind can ever truly spiral into a bunch of several self-deprecating thoughts you usually pop up out of nowhere and wrap your arms around him in a hug before you really realize what he was doing before you showed up.

- Once you realize what he was doing you gently take his hand and begin to kiss the scars that run from his palms to the side of his hands which catches him off guard immensely but he makes no move to pull away.

- You love his scars truly you do and in your mind, they're a representation of everything he's been through and how hard he's worked to get to the place he is now which is why you see them as absolutely beautiful.

- He sits there for a while with you is eventually you move your gentle kisses from his hands to his arms while you gently bring your hands up to wrap around his arm entirely practically trapping him at this point.

- He doesn't know what to do at all and he sits as still as a statue just watching you obliterate any kind of insecurity he may have had when it comes to his scars by simply giving them a few gentle kisses.

- He never realized how much attention you truly do give his scars and as his mind wanders into his memories he realizes that at least once a day your lips have wound up on one of his scars ever since you two started dating apparently because you saw his inflicted feelings on them coming.

- You won't lie, you could easily predict how conflicted he would be simply just by getting a feel for his personality however once again you find his scars amazing and you admire them just as much as you admire him because he shouldn't be disgusted by something that shows how far he's come.

- "Izuku your scars are so beautiful."

- That one statement is all it takes for him to grab you and pull you into a hug refusing to let go of you no matter how uncomfortable either of you may be because of the inconvenient position however you never let go of his arm and you simply resort to just tracing the few scars in your reach.

- He holds against him and buries his face in the crook of your neck his entire body trembling slightly seemingly trying to keep it together since he had no idea how much that one statement from you specifically would affect him.

- He finds himself holding back tears and he can't figure out why especially because this entire situation is nothing to cry about and you were simply showing your love for him like you usually do so he has no idea why he's so affected by this.

- You move your free hand up his other arm until eventually you reach his head and run your fingers through his hair as he finally breaks and the few tears he was holding back eventually fall.

- It doesn't take him long to pull himself together and he awkwardly apologizes to you even though you tell him he has nothing to apologize for and he knew that but he just wanted to say it anyway.

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