The "Release"

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- This is it, he's being sentenced, every testimony has been ignored, all evidence that he wasn't there when they said he was, was completely discarded, and every single person in this room is looking at him like he's a monster who doesn't deserve to be breathing the same air as him.

- They're gunning for the death penalty at most, and a life sentence at least, and judging by the way everything has been going they're most likely going to get it, all he can do right now is look around the room to see if you're there.

- You aren't, he can't spot you, all of this is just so frustrating to him but at this point, he's given up on trying to fight it because nobody, not even the heroes have truly listened to what he had to say nor have they fully acknowledged the fact that there are several witnesses to back him up.

- They did it, his heart drops when he hears that he's getting a life sentence with no chance of parole, and the entire world just kind of fades out around him as he zones out completely, trying to figure out what the hell he's going to do.

- That's...when you appeared, storming into that court with somebody handcuffed behind you and Aizawa following the person, obviously making sure that they can't run off and you ignore everybody's complaints about how this is not the way they do things.

- "Your honor you'll have to forgive me I didn't really have time to talk to any of the lawyers about this. In short, I found the son of a bitch who's framing my boyfriend. Aizawa can testify that when we tracked him down in his home he had several different DNA samples from several different students and heroes all being crafted to create fake evidence. He even had some artificial blood developed that would most likely be used in future framings. We took photos, called the police, and we have an audible and written confession from him."

- You hand over all the evidence as well as the asshole that caused all of this with a smile on your face and now all any of you had to do was wait, wait for the judge to finally dismiss this case, wait for the judge to charge the correct person, wait for the judge to say that he could go home.

- You say behind him the entire time, both of you anxiously awaiting the new verdict and it takes a while, hours, long enough for people to have to step out to get some food and use the bathroom, at some point you were getting worried that this judge would be even stupider than the people who arrested him.

- Your efforts paid off though, once the judge returns they promptly announced that he's free to go and the person you brought in is now going to be taken to trial for his own case so they can go over the full extent of his crimes.

- He wastes no time standing up, turning around, and wrapping you in a hug, he hasn't been able to do that in so long, and he starts asking you a million questions about how you're doing and how you managed to find the person who framed him so quickly.

- You told him that you and Aizawa just worked from the source of the evidence and started moving backward, first you discovered that the blood was fake, then you discovered that his fingerprints weren't actually laid by an actual finger because there was no skin DNA anywhere on the scene.

- You both were able to use a process of elimination very easily and you narrow down the very few people who are able to pull off this kind of tech and this kind of operation with ease.

- Once you had him in your sights, you made sure the police were called so they couldn't fabricate any kind of story, and then you both promptly arrested him, got the confession, and then drove over here straight from the crime scene because you knew Midoriya was being sentenced today.

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