The Recovery

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- The stab wounds were all over your chest and shoulders barely missing your heart and since they didn't hit your heart you survived.

- It took a lot of time and surgeries to make sure that everything was going to stop bleeding when they closed you up and you managed to get stable by the end of the week which no one expected to happen.

- You didn't wake up till two weeks later though and when you opened your eyes and he saw you he just kind of froze.

- He didn't really know what to say or do since the last image he's had of you was you bleeding out in his arms so seeing you back to normal tiredly asking him what happened sent him into shock.

- It was a good shock though, he wasn't sad or angry, he was happy and he just didn't know how to react to seeing you actually awake and functioning.

- You had to call his name a few times to get him to snap out of it but when he did he immediately wrapped you in a light hug making sure not to apply any pressure on your wounds.

- You hugged back relaxing into his embrace as you feel him crying into your neck but trying to be quiet about it so he doesn't potentially disturb you.

- You pat his head and let him know that the doctors coming and after a quick evaluation they determined that you were going to need to stay for a few extra days of observation before they could let you go home.

- Just like that a few days later nothing happened and you went back to the dorms where everyone was waiting for you and all of your classmates were smiling at you when you got back.

- They greeted you and told you how happy they were that you were okay and even though you liked the socialization you were really tired and you honestly just wanted to go to bed and he could tell.

- The attack left a few scars on your chest but everything else was covered up and you could barely tell how many stab wounds you really suffered but a light scar was noticeable across your throat though.

- You simply cover it up with a choker but the skin does get agitated after having it on for such a long time so you'll take it off by the end of the day and he'll lightly kiss it when he can tell that it's hurting you.

- He does what he can to soothe the pain you tend to get and he never leaves you alone anymore because you will panic if you hear even the slightest thump when you're alone.

- "Y/N I'm sorry baby I know it hurts. I wish I could do more. Do you want any medicine? Or do you want any kind of food for drinks?"

- He could only offer your favorite things to try and help you because there's really nothing he can do when you're in so much pain from your scars.

- He hates that he wasn't able to stop this but he's glad that you did survive and he's glad that he's able to help you at least somewhat through this.


- The doctors and surgeons were really confused on how to help you especially because of how weird the quirk was and how it affected you.

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