The Attack

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- You were relaxing in his dorm just reading a few of the books he had and actually going over the notes he's taken on your classmates and the pro heroes for that matter.

- He had gone out to grab you both food and everyone else decided to stay in their own rooms for the rest of the night so you had no idea what they were up to.

- You started having trouble focusing and you found that odd since you manage to hone in on stuff pretty easily so you didn't like how all of a sudden you couldn't focus on one thing.

- You practically became delirious and off-balance as you try to center yourself figuring that maybe you just hadn't eaten enough today or you overworked yourself but you weren't expecting what came next.

- Midoriya's window shatters right next to you sending a few shards straight into your arm and causing you to hit the floor immediately no matter how dizzy you may have been.

- You realize though that you have no defense against the coming attack and you begin to panic hoping that one of your classmates will hear you or that he'll get back soon enough to stop this.

- You feel someone put their foot on your spine effectively keeping you on the ground since you don't even have enough strength to get yourself up in the first place.

- You feel them turn you around but you can't focus on their face as your vision is still way too blurry and your mind still racing as it tries to focus on everything at once which causes you to have one hell of a headache.

- It got much worse when you feel stinging pain straight through your chest as you're stabbed with a kitchen knife of all things and that causes you to panic.

- They remove the knife and stab you again this time in both your shoulders, they stab you again in your stomach, and for the finishing touch, they cut your throat but not deep enough to cause blood to come gushing out of it.

- You feel their weight lift off of you as they quickly bolt right back out of the window having done what they needed to do and you can't move at all, all you can feel is pain.

- You're confused as to why they stabbed you so meticulously and in specific places at that but either way they were fatal.

- You feel your hair become sticky as blood probably pools around it in your vision finally starts to focus on the ceiling clearing up of course after the attack and not during.

- It blurs again though when you lose enough blood to start causing you to lose consciousness and you begin to feel completely helpless as you bleed out.

- You wish you could move but you can't, your body refusing to move even an inch no matter how much your brain still yells at it too.

- You accept your fate at this point and shut your eyes losing consciousness and praying that Izuku isn't the one to find your body.


- You were hanging out in that random storage unit that Bakugo had recommended to you waiting for him to show up so he could help you with a few more of your explosive experiments.

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