When He Cries

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- Believe it or not, he doesn't actually cry that much in general not even when he breaks every bone in his body he just says it hurts and moves along.

- When he's really going through it though, either struggling with his training or just grasping with another disaster that happened he will cry just a bit.

- He doesn't hesitate to ask you for help or at least just some comfort since he's kind of embarrassed to let anyone else know that he's going through this at the moment.

- You usually listen to what he's going through first, offer him some encouraging and comforting words before asking him what he would like you to do, and if he doesn't give you an answer you just stick to keeping him in a tight hug while he cries it out with his face buried in your neck.

- You know how stressful U.A. can be as well as his struggles with controlling One For All so you never hesitate to help him in any way you can.

- You also never want to make him feel awkward or uncomfortable trying to talk to you that's why you always listen before you choose what you say so you don't accidentally end up discouraging him from asking you for help.

- "Y/N are you sure this is okay? We've been sitting here for almost an hour and I don't want you to lose feeling in your legs."

- He says that but he makes no move to loosen his grip around you nor to remove himself from basically lying on top of you on the floor.

- "Izuku it's fine. I can stay here for as long as you need me to and I want to for that matter so please don't worry. Just relax and cry it out if you need to."

- His grip tightens on you, even more, when you hear the pure gentleness in your voice as you run your fingers through his hair and make no move to leave at all.

- "Thank you Y/N. I just...really need this right now."

- You smile at him sweetly as he moves to bury face back into the crook of your neck practically inhaling your scent trying to calm down so you really don't get uncomfortable.

- He always worries about you though when you comfort him like this because he does know that he basically ends up crushing you most of the time and he doesn't want you to have trouble getting back up after he's calmed down.

- You always reassure him though that you don't mind at all and you enjoy being able to help him so he really doesn't need to worry at all.

- It always amazes him at how kind you can be especially to him and thanks to that he usually calms down within an hour or less given how bad the situation is.

- Your presence is always enough to immediately comfort him though so that's why it doesn't really take that long for you to calm them down since you're really all he needs.


- He doesn't cry at all...at least that's what he wants people to believe but you know better especially since everything he's been through given the recent events.

- The first time you walked in on him crying he yelled at you to get out but you refuse to and just gently approached him and wrapped your arms around him so he couldn't push you off without hurting you.

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