Making Up

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- He actually didn't really know what to do after he talked to his friends, assuring them that he was fine, since he's never really dealt with a big fight like this one before.

- It sunk in immediately though every single thing he said to you and how mean he was about it when you were just trying to help him when you probably have your own stuff to deal with anyways.

- The second it did sink in though he's sprinting through the halls, running after you as fast as he can figuring that you couldn't have gotten far since you literally just left less than five minutes ago.

- He knows that you're probably still royally pissed at him but he refuses to just let you go because of something he said and he did with no consideration over how you might be feeling.

- The second he sees you he gives you no warning before he can tackles you in a hug straight to the floor protecting your head is you two fall and effectively scaring the living shit out of you and almost causing you to punch him.

- "Izuku?! What the hell?! Get off me, I'm mad at you that means no hugs until you apologize now get off!"

- "I'm so sorry! I'm just tired I shouldn't have said any of that. I know how hard you're working and I know how much you worry about the entire class me included. I shouldn't have taken you for granted and just mouthed off when I was exhausted. You're right I need to take a break and I shouldn't have chewed you out for just making that point clear to me. Please don't hate me Y/N I don't want to break up!"

- Well that most certainly caught you off guard considering how quickly he managed to apologize without hesitation and how sincere he made it sound.

- Sure you were still pretty upset about his comments but there was nothing really stopping you from forgiving him since he seems genuinely upset with himself for everything he said and you know how much he beats himself up for even the smallest of things.

- It's becoming obvious quite quickly that he's beating himself up about this way more than you ever could and you don't know if you're supposed to be happy or upset about that fact since you don't want him to put himself through mental torment.

- You sigh in defeat and wrap your arms around him giving him a light peck on the cheek and a quick slap to the back of the head just as a little revenge which he knows he deserves and willingly accepts.

- "Just promise me you'll take a day off all right. Can't keep worrying about my boyfriend collapsing from his wounds every single time he's alone."

- His face lights up when he hears you use the word boyfriend and he literally jumps for joy as he picks you up and spins you around so thankful that you are such a kind-hearted person, in general, to forgive him or at least somewhat forgive him so quickly.

- "Say any one of those comments again though and I will throw you off the dorm roof. I'm not kidding even though you'll survive you will sure as hell have some injuries to worry about when you wake up."

- He lightly chuckles at that statement but he knows that you're not joking so he makes a mental note of that and you two continue on your day as usual like nothing even happened.

- He can tell though that you still are a little bit apprehensive around him so he just needs to figure out how to make you trust him again so you don't have to worry about walking on eggshells every time he joins a conversation with you.

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