He Gets Harassed

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- A new student got enrolled in U.A. and even though she wasn't in a hero course she was immediately always trying to be by him.

- He wasn't even the one who gave her a tour around U.A. and he had never even seen her before so he was quite confused when she started following him around while talking to him like she's known him for years.

- He wasn't trying to be rude at all nor did he want to be but he didn't know her at all and she was making him uncomfortable by getting in his personal space while spouting off all of these facts that she knows about him without him saying anything to her.

- She was also always trying to lock arms with him and actually started acting like he was dating her and started calling him pet names and complaining that he wasn't giving her enough affection all in the span of a few hours.

- She was obviously nuts and once again he didn't want to make a big deal out of this but she was getting more and more touchy with him as the day went on and she even skipped a few of her classes just to watch him train.

- You were in the dorms that day because you had a cold but you were feeling better by the end of the day so you decided to just go and watch the class as they finish up their training to end the day.

- As soon as you walked into the room his arms were wrapped around you and her arms were wrapped around him complaining about how she doesn't like it when he hugs other girls and he didn't even have to ask for your help because you were immediately kicking her off of him.

- She started throwing a temper tantrum claiming that he was cheating on her and he was just so overwhelmed at this point he was practically in tears because of how insanely stressful today has been.

- You simply sock her in the face and give her a warning before she decides to fight back but she obviously didn't stand a chance against any of the students in the hero courses let alone you so you easily planted her back on the ground without even using your quirk.

- "Okay miss psycho I'm going to need you to snap out of your delusion before I'm forced to use my quirk and actually start trying to hurt you. I don't know what fantasy that's caused your mind to be warped into thinking that you have any right to harass him but even though that's completely fake the pain you're about to feel is very real."

- You use your quirk just a little bit which causes her to shriek and immediately back down and you do the same as you immediately walk back to your boyfriend who was so relieved to be back in your arms.

- He made the mistake of letting you know that she's been practically feeling him up all day and that causes you to turn right back to her with your quirk activated and actually try to kill her but you're held back and dragged out by him.

- You calm down instantly when you see how stressed he is and you don't want to add to that so you just wrap your arms around him and take him back to the dorms so he can relax and also to try and get his mind off what happened today.

- He remembers on the way there that you were sick today and then he immediately starts apologizing for dragging you into that when you were supposed to be resting but you stop that shit pretty much the second it starts because he shouldn't apologize for this situation at all.

- You spend the rest of the day and night trying to calm him down and make him feel better all while letting him know that he has nothing to apologize for especially since he wasn't in control of it at all and he had no way of knowing that she would come up to him.

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