The Hunt

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- He managed to track down your attacker quite quickly and followed him until he got him alone and the dude couldn't run anymore.

- Midoriya stalks him at first like he was waiting for the perfect moment to pounce that he was also curious to see what this dude was doing and why he decided to kill a high school student.

- It all clicked when he followed your attacker to his home and he realized that this guy was another Stain copycat and judging by what he was murmuring to himself he didn't think any of the U.A. students were worthy to be a hero.

- You just happened to be the student he wanted to start off with and he wanted to kill every single one and that specific way.

- The guy was murmuring more than Midoriya does so he got basically the entire plan just from overhearing him and that was enough to make him rage even more than he already was.

- He waited until your attacker got his door open before he activated his quirk and kicked him straight through the doorway slamming the door shut behind him.

- The look in his eyes showed your attacker that he obviously tried to kill the wrong person and Midoriya was obviously about to do something he was probably going to regret in the long run.

- He was lost in his emotions though as he brutally beats the guy down ignoring how your attacker's quirk caused him to get a little bit dizzy but he continued to beat the shit out of him anyway.

- Midoriya honestly didn't care at this point if the guy ended up dead or not, he just wanted to make him hurt, to make him feel so much pain he would want to die, it's what he deserves for doing that to you.

- The guy ends up giving up on trying to use this quirk to throw Midoriya off and instead elects to try to beg for his life but nothing was going to get through to him right now and he realized that quite quickly.

- Midoriya actually stopped for a brief second just to lean down to the guy's level who could not get up at the moment and to ask him a few questions just to see if he'd get an answer.

- "Why did you kill her? Why did you hurt a high schooler who had done nothing to you? She is one of the kindest people I know and your warped sense of what a hero is just got her killed... I hope you know you're going to die for that."

- He's losing it barely able to comprehend right and wrong at the moment but he wants him to die so he's going to kill him no matter what.

- Your attacker already blabbed about his plans to kill more students in the school so why should he let him live why should this guy get to live over you.

- He's practically stomped your attacker's face in before the heroes arrive and Aizawa immediately pulls Midoriya away quite disturbed at how he's screaming that he's still not dead.

- Once he calmed down though he explained to his teachers that he didn't mean to go that far even though he secretly did and they just elected to give him two weeks off so he could calm down and process everything that happened tonight.


- Your attacker was stupid enough to stay in the area and the second Bakugo recognized the coat he was wearing that matched the coat he knew he saw he blasted him immediately.

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