His "Friend" Makes A Pass At You

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- He would never let that happen, he's a pretty good judge of character and he knows it so he would never willingly leave you alone with somebody he thought would ever make you uncomfortable or ask you out while you were with him.

- If he was even slightly suspicious of any of his friends doing anything like that to you he would most definitely run a background check before reporting them or just report them and hope for the best... everyone knows he's not messing around when it comes to you.

- Now this guy seemed to pass all the tests, he never crossed any lines, he never overstepped any boundaries, and he seemed like a pretty decent person so your boyfriend was very confused when he started picking up a weird vibe between you two.

- You went from socializing with this guy normally one day to completely avoiding him the next, whenever you two were in the same room together you stayed dead quiet and never acknowledged him when he said anything so obviously something happened.

- Midoriya could tell something happened, it was written all over your face and he obviously wasn't going to let it slide because now you were uncomfortable and now he's so fucking worried because he knows it has to be bad if you won't tell him.

- He pulled you aside that night and asked you what happened and your response shocked the hell out of him and made him thoroughly question his options on how to deal with this situation because... let's just say that murder was not out of the question.

- You told him very quietly that a few days ago this seemingly nice guy and a perfect friend tried to ask you out and when you said no he snapped and yelled at you calling you every name under the sun just because you wouldn't go out with him.

- It would have gone further and definitely would have escalated into physical violence had there not been a crowd already forming around you two and the only reason why you didn't tell him immediately is because you know that he's a friend that Midoriya cares about and you didn't want to ruin that.

- Um...okay so his first priority was to check on you and make sure you were completely fine as well as to reassure you that you should never hesitate to tell him when something like this happens to you.

- His second priority was to wait until you were asleep and then very quickly leave the dorms to go track this guy down and not so calmly issue quite a few very threatening threats that even he was surprised at how painful and scary they sounded.

- He kept on a poker face for you trying not to let it show how truly angry he was and he didn't want you to worry at all either so he kept his cool for as long as he could but he lost it when he saw his so-called friend.

- The things he threatened this guy with scared him so badly that he started crying and the only reason why Midoriya didn't put his hands on him was because he knew he would get in trouble with the teachers since this coward would definitely report him.

- He'll never repeat what was said nor will he tell you how he handled this situation, all you need to know is that this guy will never bother you or him again and you can go on living your life in peace.

- Needless to say, his now ex-friend avoided him like the plague and avoided you even more so and he never even looked in your direction...most likely because if he did he'd make eye contact with your boyfriend who glares at him at all times.

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