He Asks You Out

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- He's so damn nervous because he's never done this before so the entire day leading up to him actually asking you out was just full of different scenarios playing out in his head.

- He asked for advice from basically everyone including Bakugo who had no idea what to answer with because it's not like he even remembered who you were.

- He practices in the mirror before meeting you outside of school in a simple Cafe disguising this entire situation as just a simple study date.

- After you guys spend most of the day in the cafe he takes you to the park at sundown to get some fresh air but also because this is how he planned in his head and he is not going to change any part of his plan.

- He buys you flowers and chocolate and basically shoves them in your face while blushing which is the exact moment he decides to stutter out a confession that doesn't even come out properly.

- He hesitated for a little while though and you patiently waited for him to start talking because it was obvious that he wanted to say something to you.

- "Y-Y/N, you me out like please go with? I-I mean um... Like out you with me go, please? Wait a second. I-I've got this just let me figure this out."

- "Take your time Izuku. I'm not going anywhere. Although I'm curious to see how many different variations of that sentence you can get out."

- "Will you please go out with me?! There I did it! Oh finally! Sorry, I'm yelling I realize that! I'm just actually really proud of myself because that's the first time I managed to say it properly!"

- He almost blows out your eardrum as he continues to yell seemingly because he just can't stop himself from talking even though his mind is telling him to shut up.

- You don't answer immediately so he thinks you rejected him probably because in several of the scenarios he played out in his head you rejected him almost immediately or stayed silent.

- You take his hand in yours right as he starts to apologize and walk away and he immediately stops and looks back at you waiting for your audible answer.

- "Of course, I'll go out with you Izuku. Honestly, I understood you the first time but I could tell you to be able to properly ask. I also wanted to be able to properly accept your invitation."

- He gets so excited and sprints down the street using his quirk accidentally leaving you behind until he reaches the end of the street and realizes that you aren't next to him so he sprints back for you.

- You just watch him bolt back towards you apologizing very loudly even before he makes it to you just so you can hear him realize his mistake.

- He comes back and hugs you tightly for the rest of the date considering that it's a proper one this time and not disguised as him wanting to study.


- He made the mistake of telling Kirishima because he needed some advice and he was definitely going to tell you but he needed to figure out how.

- Kirishima proceeded to tell you almost immediately with Bakugo standing right next to him and everybody in the room could tell that it would probably be best to back the hell up because of the murderous look that flashed over his eyes.

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