31| Misunderstanding

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Sorry that I've been gone and this is a late post, but I couldn't stop drawing for some reason. I've been posting arts on my twitter, feel free to follow me @Aiko_Sunbarashi if y'all want, because I might not post on 'my arts' that much anymore. Well that's all, enjoy the chapter everyone! :>

|Third Person's POV

["We will now begin conducting physical examminations. All students, please go to the clinics in your respective school buildings."] A females voice announced from the schools speakers. Today was the day that The Physical exams were happening and also the day that the Host clubs were going to try and hide Haruhi's real gender.

"So, what is this mission forming A thing?" The marooned haired male asked no one in particular as he walked with the blonde and the raven haired males.

"Well, Anywhere you get a physical exam, they usually do a physical exam, right?" The raven haired male named Kyoya said as he eyed the marooned haired male beside him as they walked. "It's not right to have any class-based differences, Mr. Fujioka" He finished while he adjusted his glasses.

"Yup! That's right just because this school is an elite and private school, there shouldn't be any difference between us to other schools when it comes to Physical exams," The blonde, Tamaki replied.

The small male between the two thought about it as he walked.

"Hmm.. Yeah, I guess that's right," The Marooned haired male named (M/N) agreed, taking in what his fellow hosts said to him.

After a few more walks, they reached the building and opened the door. Revealing many nurses and doctors lined up on either side of the doorway.

"Come on in-- --" They all said in unison. (M/N) froze with his eyes twitching with a sheepish smile.

"What the heck is this?" The marooned haired male asked, already feeling drained.

"Like we said, a physical exam," Kyoya says as he smirked at the boy beside him feeling amused at his reaction. "Just like always," Tamaki said with a blinding grin.

"Like always?" (M/N) asked, his eyes twitching.

How the hell is this no different from a normal school!?!? The small male screamed at his mind, one of his eyes continued to twitch uncontrollably.

"Let's goo, Mr. Fujioka, don't just stand there now, your holding up the line." The raven said, snapping the male out of his thoughts and apologized quickly to those that were behind him, before going to where the raven and the blonde were going.

At the distance the marooned haired male could see three familiar faces, Those being The host's Loli-shota, The Wild type and The Natural Rookie.

As the three 2nd years got closer they could hear the little commotion of the girls. The marooned haired male didn't noticed that the blonde already left them to go somewhere.

"Could they be more obvious?" Haruhi asked herself a sweat dropping.

"Those two are here to deal with things, in case something happens." The raven said as soon at the two males reached to where she was.

"What's the point of their disguises?" (M/N) asked with a raised brow at the two 3rd years.

"To create the mood," The raven answered. "It makes it seem more mission-like and builds things up, doesn't it?" He continued adjusting his glasses up. The two siblings looked defeated and both sweat dropped.

"Miss Shiramine, you've lost two whole kilos since last year." A doctor said from the sidelines making the young lady on the scale smile brightly at the news she had recieved. "Oh? I was sure I had gained weight!" The young lady says putting her hands over her cheeks. "Not at all. I would say you're even healthier." The Doctor said while smiling at the young lady.

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