| Valentines Special!!! |

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Hello! Not a chapter, but I hope you enjoy this Valentines Special from (M/N)'s Past, but a little heads up, this is going to be fluffy, but a little sad too.. ^^;; (Sorry I like putting Specials at pasts hehe)

| Third Person's POV

The male high-schooler with raven hair sat on the swing set, the cold autumn air delicately kissing his sweet rosy cheeks. The play ground had no one except him in it. A soft smell of decaying leave crispts to the cold that drifted through the cold air around him. The male looked to be around 15 years-old, and looked to be waiting for someone to show up. He sighed to himself as he pushed his feet below him, giving him force to make his swing sway forward.

When he felt the swing come to a stop, he threw his legs forward and his shouders back, throwing the swing to action once again. The high-schooler swung back and forth, he could hear the cold metal chains screeching every time he moved.

After a while he slowly stopped the swing from swaying, by putting his feet down, allowing the male to look up at the cold autumn sky, soft snowflakes falling down, one in particular landed on his nose making him smile a little. The calm silence around him made him at ease, slowly he got lost in his own world, not noticing the soft sound of crunches of snow behind him.

"Sweet tooth!" The ravenette flinched and snapped back to reality when the loud familiar vioce screamed for him from above. He opened his eyes, glaring at the male who interrupted his peaceful time, but then smiled after. There stood a taller male with a beautiful brown hair that's slightly messy, he was grinning down at the ravenette.

"Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you.. Do not call me that!" The ravenette angrily stated to the male with an eye-roll. The brunette ignored him and went around, stopping in front of the ravenette with a mischivous grin. He then sat at the male's lap with a pout, "Aww~ Why~? Are you gonna cry? 'My name's (M/N) Fujioka and I hate being called cute nicknames~' Boohoo~" The brunette joked as he gestured a crying emote to the small male. The ravenette's eyes twitched from irritation and his cheeks slowly rising a bright rosy color. He pushed the male off from his lap, making the brunette fall-face on the snowy ground.

"Ow.." The brunette whined when he sat up, he held on to the side of his head, he then faced the ravenette, who was crossing his arms in front of his chest with his tongue sticking out childishly.

"Who's a crybaby now," The ravenette teased with a smirk making the brunette pout, but then he grinned when an idea came to mind, making the brunette look at him with a raised brow because he suddenly grinned, "Why are you grinning like that?" The raven asked as he eyed the other male suspeciously.

"Hmm, nothing much--" The brunette cut himself off when he threw a snowball right at the ravenette's face.

The snowball slowly falled down, revealing the ravenette's irritated-out look. "Oh, you just started a war.." The raven haired male stood up from his swing, the brunette slowly stepped away with a sweat drop and a look of regret plastered in his face. The brunette started to run and asked for forgiveness, but the ravenette had already gathered some snow to make a quick snowball throwing it hard at the brunette, getting a perfect back-head-shot.

"No fair, (M/N)! That hurts!" The brunette whined as he cried over his painful head that the raven shot perfectly.

"Not my fault, you started it," The raven said as he glared at the brunette.

"Oh please, you yeeted me off from you first," The brunette argued, pouting childishly.

"Uh no, you sat on top of me, and you deserved to be thrown away because of that!" (M/N) argued back with a glare, but his cheeks were already bright pink.

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