04| Cover them or not?

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"We're home..." My sister quietly and tiredly said. I tiredly sighed behind her as we started to take off our shoes.

"Welcome home, kids!" Dad yelled from the kitchen. He glanced at us once we entered the house.

"Oh? What's this?" Dad looked at us, lowering the fire from the stove.

He turned to me fully since Haruhi already went to her room. I gave him a questionable look. "What?" I asked, putting my bag down under the table. I tiredly sat down on a pillow at our living room, turning on the TV.

"Hm.. You two seem tired, Is the first day of school, that hard?" He asked as he went back to the Kitchen to continue his cooking. "Hm, Yeah something like that.." I answered, listening halfheartedly.

"You two didn't happen to get in trouble did you?" Dad asked, making me tense at the memory of the vase that we broke wort, eight million yen.

"U-Us? Haha, Dad didn't you forget? We're well behaved special students! H-How can we cause trouble? A-Anyway Dad what's the food tonight?" I asked trying to change the subject.

And like it was scripted, Dad put the foods down to the table in front of me. as soon as I smelled it, my stomach made a loud grumbling sound. My face quickly felt warm, probably already blushing from embarrassment. My Dad chuckles at my reaction, He went to get three bowls and chopsticks, giving me one, then put the other spare beside me the other one was his.

"Go ahead." He said smiling at me, I smiled back.

"Thanks.. Dad." I said he sweat dropped, but was still smiling. I started to get some rice and some of the foods.

Guess I can't really do anything about these eye huh. Hmm... I wonder Should I wear some glasses to cover them? Ah! Wait, wait! I can cover them with my bangs! I thought smiling to myself as I eat.

"(M/N), dear," My Dad called for me again after he swallowed. I turned to him, a gesture that I was listening. "Tomorrow I'll be working earlier and I'm going to do over time at the evening, So go and Cook for yourselves tomorrow, okay?" He said. I nodded my head as an 'Okay'

~~~ Next Day ~~~

"...-chan.. ake.. up... nii-chan.. wake... Nii-chan Wake up!" I slowly flattered my eyes open, glaring at the person who woke me up.

My glare softened when I saw my sister leaning over me.

"What time.. is it?" I asked slowly seating up straight.

"6:40, Now get up and get ready, class starts at 7:30 you know." She stated already leaving my room. I yawned and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

"Hm?" My sister stared at me I gave her a puzzled look, "What?" I asked.

"Why are you covering your eyes with your bangs? Isn't it uncomfortable?" She asked while she was putting rice on our bowls.

"Well, it does just a little bit. But this way People won't get scared of my eyes!" I said smiling then yawned after.

"Yeah, maybe. hm... but they'll gonna think you look weird." She mumbled something at the end when she put rice on my lunchbox.


We were walking to school again, like yesterday. As we walked my eyes caught a fluffy looking black cat with emerald colored eyes. I gasped and stopped just a meter away from the fluffy creature, making Haruhi turn to me with a confused look.

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