47| Care

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TW// Panic attack. Sexual Harrassment. Violence. Sexism. Just wanted to put this just in case :) (Skip Honey's Closed, dark space terror line of attack, The Three dots after Third Person's POV and Tamaki's part. If you get uncomfy, love you all, please stay safe!^^)

| (M/N)'s POV

"This place here... is said to be a paranormal spot, which not even the locals will come to very often." Hikaru started as he and Kaoru lead the way with a flashlight, both wearing serious expressions to give out the eeiri atmostphere, though neither Haruhi and I seem to be affected by this.

"It's a cave that only shows itself at low tide. Up to now, they say that a lot of people have drowned down here. They say that their lingering resentment drags passers-by into the dark," By this time I roll my eyes at their antics of scaring Haruhi. Looking over to their two guests that also came along to explore this cave, they seem to be trembling from the twin's story already.

Poor girls.. I thought with a frown.

Suddenly Hikaru stopped and acted like he was also trembling from the frightening story, but I'm fairly certain that he's just acting, he turned around with the flashlight at hand, making me groan at the bright light that just flashly shone to my face.

"What's that there!?" Hikaru yelled.

We all turned around to see a holloween skeleton guy something laughing behind the rock, I could see that Kaoru was gone so I assumed that he was the one behind the jump-scare.

The girls screamed in fright as they hug each other while Haruhi and I looked at the thing with an unamused look. Out of no where a skeleton hand grabbed onto Haruhi's shoulder, though like I said we weren't that fazed by it. I sighed in disappointment and pity for the twins, when Haruhi simply looked over to see Hikaru with a dumbfounded look, I almost laugh to be honest.

"What is this? A test of courage or something?" Haruhi asked.

"Aren't you afraid of ghosts?" Kaoru asked revealing himself from behind the rock.

"I've never seen one," Haruhi states and I nod my head in agreement.

"Our house is close to the cemetery and sometimes we even play there when we were kids, yet no ghosts showed themselves to us," I explained with a chuckle, earning a frown on both the twins face.

As soon as we were all out of the cave, I told the twins to escort the two girls back to their room. And lectured them about how they scared them today, they just said 'yeah, yeah' but listened to my orders nonetheless.

"Oh! Haru-chan! (N/N)-chan! Over here, Over here!" Honey-senpai's voice called for us.

We turned our heads to see him on a Truck that was in the sand?!

"Um.. Is this thing even allowed to be on the beach?" Haruhi asked Honey-senpai as soon as we were in front of him.

"And to have a heavy truck on the sands, is very dangerous," I said with worried look to Honey-senpai.

Honey just dismissed it and that we shouldn't worry, because we were far from the shore. He told Haruhi to go in the truck with him and that I can stay out here for a few minutes, but my worry and doubt made me shook my head at his suggestion, insisting that I be with them as well.

"Okay, private police people, if you please!" Honey-senpai said with a respectful bow.

The men in black saluted and closed truck's back, leaving us three in the dark and quiet room. After a few minutes we started to get adjusted in the darkness. But the pure silence was kinda deafining.. suddenly out of nowhere I heared someone's breathing quicken in the silent room.

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