10| Don't Ever Mess With Me...

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"(M/N), Haruhi!" Tamaki suddenly called out to the two fujioka siblings, "Both of you Come here for a second." He said as he crossed his legs together with a knowing smile.

The two siblings apologized to their guests then stood up, walking to the Host club's 'King' "Yes?" The two siblings asked in sync.

"Give your salutations," He paused still with his grin and gestured to the familiar maroon haired female beside him, "My costumer. Princess Ayanokoji." The blonde introduced. The siblings looked at the person, the two of them knew her the minute they saw her face. The older Fujioka smiled coldly directly to the lady giving her chills, but of course she tried to not show it.

Haruhi looked at the guest, Ah, the person from before.. The cute crossdresser thought, and unknowingly put on a smile, after saying, "Pleased to meet you."

"Hello m'lady, I see that Tamaki is treating you well.." (M/N) greeted after still going with his chilling smile. The maroon haired male glaced at her fingertips and saw them fidgeting, making him unknowingly put on a smirk. The male could clearly see that her eyes were saying she wanted to yell at him, but the female kept her composture and fakely smiled instead to the two Fujioka siblings.

(M/N) and Ayanokoji was caught off guard when they saw that Tamaki suddenly jumped on Haruhi, spinning her around like a ballerina.

"That was so Cute, Haruhi! That shy looking face is good! Good! Very Good!" Tamaki exclaimed, blushing with a weird grin on his face which made the maroon haired boy grit his teeth in annoyance from what the blonde was doing to his sister.

"T-Tamaki-sama.." Ayanokoji called out, sweat dropping.

When Haruhi's big brother was about to step in and kill Tamaki she suddenly called out to the tall male that was across them, "Mori-senpai.! Help me please!" Haruhi yelled pleadingly. The tall raven who was across the room miraculously went to Haruhi's rescue in less than a minute. Tamaki, (M/N) and Haruhi all looked quite surprise. Then At the corner of The maroon haired boy's eyes, he saw that Mori looked like he just realized something.

*Sigh*... Great. So Only The King hasn't noticed yet.. (M/N) thought to himself as he glanced at Tamaki.

"Mori-senpai, y-you didn't have to go that far.." Tamaki stated a fake tear leaves his eye, "Come on, come back to to daddy's arms little one!" Tamaki said, trying to take the younger Fujioka back.

( Things are going to be... hmm. Idk, find out for yourself guys lol )

| (M/N)'s POV

I observed the situation. I didn't mind that Mori-senpai was holding my sister, because I know that Mori-senpai isn't like that to my sister unlike Tamaki. In the situation my eyes were drawn to the familiar lady that was still on the couch. I smirked to myself when i realized that she was glaring at my little sister. I slowly and unnoticeably walked behind the couch where she was sitting. I slowly bend down next to her ear, but still kept my distance, and no one else seems to notice our presence, but mostly mine.

"I've already warmed you Ms. Ayanokoji. Do anything to Haruhi, I'll personally make you regret it.." I stated in a low voice, And she quickly turned her head with a look of disgust and a mixture of horror, but then quickly glared at me wearing a fake brave face, which made me laugh lightly.

"Don't think I'll let you have your way You f*cking lowlife commoner b*stard.!!!" She cursed quietly only enough for me and her to hear, pure rage was laced on every word she said.

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