33| Attack of the Lady Manager (Part 1)

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| (M/N)'s POV

"Fiancée?" Hikaru starts.

"Kyoya-senpai's?" And Kaoru finished

Somehow the wordings of the twins were switched, thought the dirty blonde girl answered them nonetheless, knowing what their talking about.

"Yes! My name is Houshakuji, Renge. I shall be transferring into Class 1-A starting tomorrow." The new guest, named Renge explained with a calm look and a warm smile.

Me and the hosts looked towards the tiny blonde of hair in the cornor who looked like he was moping in woe.

"See? He's angry." Hikaru stated, allowing Kaoru to continue, "Because Mommy hid a secret from Daddy." Sighing I looked at Tamaki then to Kyoya.

"Whatever you say, but do you guys plan on having that husband and wife setting become established?" Kyoya said, slightly glaring at the twins.

Does that mean Kyoya's a bottom? I thought to myself, then quickly widened my eyes when the thought even came to me. I could feel my face heating up from my own embarrassment. But a tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality. I turned my head seeing Mori-senpai.

"Are you okay.?" He asked in a low tone, so that it won't allert the others to give their attention to me. I relaxed a little and tried not to think of what I had just thought a few minutes ago.

"Oh, Y-Yeah. I'm fine Mori-senpai," I said giving a reasuring smile, making him lightly smile back, but it disappeared once we heard Renge's voice coming over.

"It was quite the love at first sight experience!" She exclaimed and started to replay the memory to tell us, "How he showed loving affection to flowers in the backyard that no one would look at... And how he gently reached out his hand to the injured little kitty..." She states with a puppy love-like look on her expression.

"Who's this person?" The twins asked, making me raise a brow too. Is this really Kyoya she's talking about? I thought to myself, thinking, then remembered the one time that Kyoya actually genuienly laughed. Well it could be true, but... I thought about it more. "Did you take him for the wrong person?" Haruhi asked with a nervous smile on her face. Renge suddenly snapped out from her cloud 9 experience and turned towards Haruhi, "No! My eyes cannot be wrong!" She cried out, with a passionate, yet also kinda scary and obsessed look in her eyes.

"A person that is so nice to others and never asks for anything in return. A person who loves solidarity, but who's really a loner.." She trailed off, when I looked around me I could see the twins looking confused and panicked trying to take in the new information that Renge was spouting. "From the love simulation game that makes your heart throb, Ukidoki Memorial, Ichijo Miyabi; you look exactly like him!" Renge happily exclaimed as she pointed towards Kyoya.

The hosts seemed to stop and looked at her dumbfounded. I looked at them then to her in a raised brow.

"Uki?" Haruhi starts.

"Doki?" Honey-senpai asked after.

"Memorial?" I finished with the same confused out look that Honey-senpai and Haruhi had. I could see that Mori-senpai also looked confused, but didn't say anything.

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