24| Get a Ride

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I have so many cuts on my fingers even (M/N)'s worrying, Hahaha. Look at him cry he's so cute oml. Support me by voting please~\(//0w0//)

The ballroom party was uneventful and me and Haruhi even got dragged in and accidentally kissed the two couple because of Tamaki. I had to apologize to the two when our guests starts to decrease slowly, because they were picked up by their service. Right now me, Haruhi and the hosts were left in the schools entrance, saying our 'goodbyes' before they go in their limozine to leave, was what I liked to say, but some certain host won't leave us alone, By this I mean, Tamaki. That's why the other's were still here to watch the annoying drama happen.

"NOooOOOoo!! What if there's perverts and kidnappers at the streets?! What if You and Haruhi Get's kidnapped?!" Tamaki's blabbering stopped when he gasp just at the stupid thought.

"There's no Kidnappers in our area, If there's perverts..." I stopped and gave a cold look at Tamaki who dramatically teared up.

"(M/N) you're soo mean!! How can you be like that to your Daddy when I'm only worried for you two!!" Tamaki cried, as he blows on a tissue which I don't even know where he got.

I looked at him with a disgusted look, "I already have a "Daddy" And I don't need another one!" I said glaring at Tamaki making him cry even more dramatically, and was going to shoulder on Kyoya, but he moved to the side, making Tamaki fall to the ground instead. Making Haruhi sweat dropped.

ney-senpai's high pitch voice popped up, saying the suggetion, "(N/N)-chan! Haru-chan! Why don't we give you two a ride then?" I saw Mori-senpai nods in agreement, his face still stoic as always when he did it.

"It's really fine.." I said trying not to look in his big innocent dough eyes, because I know I couldn't really say no if I did.

"Yeah, we're fine. Our house is just a few blocks away anyway, thought thanks for the offer," haruhi says with her cutest smile making Tamaki bold up and hug her really quickly before I could react. My overprotective big brother meter mode quickly exploded and unconsciously kicked Tamaki off of her, which sent him flying. I hugged Haruhi protectively and glared daggers Tamaki then to those who wants to get close even a centimeter.

"Relax senpai, we're just worried, besides It's just a car lift anyway. And it's already 11:37pm" Hikaru says, as he looked at his phone.

My over protective big brother mode quickly faded, and was replaced with a Surprised expression. "It's already 12:37pm!?" I asked out loud like a scream. Hikaru gave me a raised brow, but answered nonetheless, "Yes?" he answered, but it was sounded more of a question than a complete answer. But I couldn't careless because I was panicking in my head.

Shit! My shift starts at 3am! I still need to clean the store too! Oh f*ck , f*ck!!! I quickly looked to Haruhi and when I heard her calling out to me, worriedly. I glanced at the hosts, Mori-senpai looks at me with a slight noticeable expression, I turned to the others seeing Kaoru with the same expression, but more visible to everyone.

I clicked my tongue and cursed underneath my breath. "Fine, drop us up.." was what I said in the lowest volume possible. But somehow the Hosts still managed to hear it.

"We're riding with one of them nii-chan?" Haruhi asks, wearing a puzzled look to my direction, because of my change of decision. I looked down to my little sister, my lip clasps together into a thin line, "Yeah, Dad must be worried so we need to get back or he'll report us to the cops.." I half-lied, feeling a little guilty because I was still lying to her.

"Which are you two going to be on thought?" Hikaru asks, folding his hands in front of his chest. I looked towards Haruhi, she noticed, looking back while she just shrugs her shoulder as an answer. I was about to say, 'anyone's fine', but Tamaki shouted something,

"I WILL GLADLY BE ESCORTING YOU TWO!!" Tamaki says as he poses dramatically in a annoying manner.

The twins looked to be pouting, "Boss, you're being unfair, let Haruhi and (M/N)-senpai choose!" The twins says, as they continued to childishly pout, and doing a weird repeating gesture, where they put up their hand up then down.

"Yeah! I want to ride with (N/N)-chan and Haru-chan!" Honey-senpai joins in after climbing Mori-senpai. I sweat dropped at the hosts' behavior.

"NO! A Father must send his children home! Isn't that right mother?!" Tamaki defenses.

"Don't call me 'mother'," Kyoya said then adjusted his glasses and continued to write something down on his notebook, even thought it's hard to see.

"You're NOT our 'father'," HAruhi and I said in sync with both annoyed looks at him.

Tamaki gasps after we said that, "How could you two say that to your Daddy!?" Tamaki cried out, and put a hand over his chest where his heart was, like he was hurt.

Are they really even in high-school? I thought as my awkward smile twitches from annoyance.

"We'll just get on anyone's car, excluding Tamaki's." I said, trying my best not to let their annoying tactics get to me. Tamaki turned to me with wide dramatic tearful eyes. The twins looked to smirk mischievously and childishly teased Tamaki of how me and Haruhi might ride in their car. I sighed and rubbed my temples.

"EH?? Hey! Why is your father EXCLUDED?!" Tamaki asks as he clasps my hand to his, I gave him a digusted-out look with a misture of annoyance, "Because of your annoying whole EXISTENCE," I stated and he looked to be heartbroken and sulked to grow mushroom at the corner of the school's gate.

"Well if anyone's fine for you two," Kyoya starts to spoke when he finally stopped writing on his notebook as he closed it shut. Making me and everyone else turn to him to listen. "Then you two should go with Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai," Kyoya offered. At the corner of my eye I could see the twins pout, and I think that one of them was glaring at Kyoya, but I'm not sure if I was seeing it right.

"Why does (M/N)-senpai and Haruhi get to go with Honey and Mori-senpai?" The twins asks as they both each put their arms over our shoulders. My eye twitched when I saw Hikaru's hand on Haruhi.

"Okay, I'm fine with that." I said and pushed Haruhi away from Hikaru. Making him pout at me. "(M/N)-senpai you're so cold~" Hikaru says, still pouting childishly. "Whatever. If I can protect Haruhi from you all then I'll go with Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai." I said, putting Haruhi in between Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai, with me in Mori-senpai's other side.

"Oh! We get to drop off (N/N)-chan and Haru-chan?" Honey-senpai said and brightly smiled. He acted like he was really innocent, which I saw, but the other hosts beside from Kyoya and Mori-senpai, looked to be lightly glaring at Honey-senpai, like they envied him.

Okay that's all I can do for now lol, thank you so much for reading!

And for this fanart like wow THANK You So Much @saeterun! I really love it!! Guys check out their arts they have a really cute artstyle💖 I might get an idea to make a special chapter about something like this, but I don't know where or when I should do it~ We'll just see in the future~ (^v^)

And for this fanart like wow THANK You So Much @saeterun! I really love it!! Guys check out their arts they have a really cute artstyle💖 I might get an idea to make a special chapter about something like this, but I don't know where or when I sho...

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Please have a great day! Love you all and always stay safe y'all~!! Mua~!💋


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