15| Why Did I Agree Again..?

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This was really hard for me to draw you guys...
('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥) Can ya'll just give me a vote in return please.? It's was really hard to make him slim yet also sexy~hehehe~ (*''*) Ehem! Well... then, uh.. I'll leave you guys to your reading~! mua! 💋

"...we'll definitely pay for it, just you guys wait!" I exclaimed, the hosts including my sister all looked stunned at the expression I had and declaration I just spoke.

"I like your determination, my little puppy~" Tamaki says, suddenly in front of me as he lift up my chin, with the fan in his hand. My determined eyes quickly turned dark as soon as I looked at him with a disgust with a mixture of an annoyed expression, after Tamaki saw that he backed away with woe surrounding him as he looked at me like he was hurt and was about to cry like a baby. But he quickly bounced back to his old self in no time as he opened and waved his fan around.

He's definitely a bipolar.. I thought as I stared at him bored, while still slightly glaring.

"Ehem!" He cleared his throat, before looking back at me and Haruhi with his signature smile. "Fine men do not bundle up in bulky clothing~" He states as he hugged himself with a pervert-like smile, well to me he looked like that.

"It may be a chilling early spring out In the world, but in our club, we welcome our chilly little Kittens to a warm, south tropical aura!" Tamaki exclaimed, I glanced around the room as he rant, seeing the twins doing their forbidden bro-love taboo acting, and in the back I saw Mori-senpai and Honey senpai going around in circles.

This club has a weird combination of people in it... I thought as my mouth made an awkward smile at the bunch.

"Yes! Today, this place is a surprise paradise, a hot, hot island of everlasting summer!" Tamaki exclaimed who I didn't noticed was already beside my sister.

"I, on the other hand, feel chill, In every sense of the word.." My sister said as she looked defeated with a dark aura surrounding half of her form. My eyes darted on Tamaki's hand on my sister like an arrow, and my overprotective big brother meter quickly turned on, as I take Haruhi away from the oblivious blonde, glaring and hiss like a cat at him.

He retreated to the other host with a tear hanging in one of his eyes as he looked at me with a sad + slightly scared expression.

"Those with the wherewithal, first in school standing, and second in money-spend their time here, at the private Ouran Academy. As such, Ouran Host Club Is where handsome boys with too much time on their hands entertain the girls, who also have too much time in their hands. It is the school's own personal, elegant playground for the super-rich~!" The blonde continued to rant like a narrator who looks like it doesn't have a tomorrow left. I mean what the heck is this? Like are we in a book or something?

"Yeah, Yeah. We know you guys do these things for your free times, but..." Tamaki and the others turns to me. "Why the hell did I agree to freaking wear this again?" I asked as my eyes twitched from annoyance at the tropical outfit I'm wearing.

"Well if you want us to refresh your memory, senpai.." Hikaru starts as the twin gingers slowly put their arms over my shoulders.

"Then Let's go back to what happened 20 minutes ago~" Kaoru said as the flashback starts to begin.

~~ 20 minutes earlier ~~

"(N/N)-chan, Why are you always stingy whenever Tama-chan goes to Haru-chan?" Honey-senpai asked with his big-dough-eyes stared cutely down at me from Mori-senpai's shoulders.

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