54| (M/N)-sama!

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Hi!! It's been a while, but I'm back after getting my teeth pulled out. And can I just say that Nekozawa ^(up there)^ is a major pretty boy? ehem, anyways here's your chapter everyone! I hope ya'll will enjoy!^^

| Third Person's POV

A little blonde haired girl was walking through a small garden full of Hydrangea blues all around the small pond like lake. A very familiar sight that she once went with a mysterious maroon haired pretty boy. The little girl stopped when she heard rustling in the bushes, making her temble a little at the unpleasant feeling she was getting. She quickly shook her head and took off towards the high school building, with a determined look in her eyes.

Monsters might come out, So I have to find Oniichama fast. Oniichama is a wonderful prince, so he would defeat the monsters for me...


Her shoes' clacking echoed from the deserted hallway, she found herself openning every door when she arrived at the school building.. a few minutes have already passed and she was already at the thrid floor of the building. She was in front of the abandoned music room as said in the map of the school.

The little blonde looked up the door's sign reading, 'The Third Music Room'.

She blinked when she noticed that the door was slightly open, she tilted her head cutely, before focusing back to why she was here in the first place. pushing the door open, being greeted by a blinding light and swirling rose petals that passed her. She rubbed her eyes to make them adjust to the room's lighting, once they did. She saw 7 boys in front of her dressed as police officers.

"My, what a special guest we have here. Welcome, lost lil' kitty." The fellow blonde says with his usual charming smile.

The little girl stared in awe at them.

"Lil kitty, where did you come from?" The tall blonde asked with a curious look.

The little girl blinked, then her cheeks slowly turned a peachy color. She started to lift her hand up and pointed at the Blonde President with a sparkle of excitement in her eyes.

"Reverse harem! It's a reverse harem here!" She exclaimed excitedly, but her exclamation made the host club freeze in bewilderment.

"Oh, this is bad. It seems like there's still some water in my ears from swimming," The blonde president smacked the side of his head as if trying to get something inside his ears out.

"Indeed, Inspector General!" One of the ginger haired police men said while rubbing his ears.

"There must be something wrong with our ears if we're hearing such a little girl say something like 'reverse harem' hahaha," Another ginger haird male police said while also doing what his brother is doing.

The little girl blinked and pointed at the place with an innocent smile.

"Shuchi Nikurin!"

( Note: Japanese denoting a feast where wine fills ponds and meat covers the trees, the picture of a decadent party )

She excitedly jumped cutely with a big innocent smile on her face, while the host club looked to be arouding away from shock. That such words were leaving this little girl's mouth.

"It's a Suchi nikurin in here!"

She looked around and her finger pointed at the raven haired male who's beside the president.

"A glass character!" She happily said, then she pointed at the two seniors with an excited look as if the situation is a familiar test for her. "A loli shota! A stoic type!" She then turned towards the twins. "Incest!" The twins looked shocked still not believing that the little girl was saying these words.

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