09| First Day As A Host!

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You probably miss his face right? haha Well good thing you are reading this update! Here's Another Drawing~! My Baby's so shy Hehe, please don't forget to vote and follow me! So I can do more chapters and drawings!! ^ω^

Classes had already ended, so My little sister and I will do our first hosting for our lovely costumers in the Host Club, which is today and... right now.

Tamaki And the other Host allowed me be close to where my sister's table was with no objections, maybe because I threatened them that I'll kill them if they even lay a single hand on a strand of her hair..

I mentally sighed, thinking of ways to somehow make our debt more on a negotiable number to pay off.

"(M/N)-kun?" I snapped out of my thoughts at the sudden mention of my name and gazed my eyes around to the four girls at my table looking for the owner of the voice that called out for me, and my eyes stopped to a girl who was going to open her mouth again to which I assume she'll continue what she had left off earlier, "Are you really Haruhi-kun's big brother?" She asked in a cute curious voice.

"Oh, Um y-yes.." I said quietly as I scratch my cheek, lightly. The girls suddenly squealed for some unknown reason, I blink my eyes getting a bit confused to why they were squealing so suddenly.

"W-Why are you all screaming so suddenly?" I asked confused and getting a bit flustered.

"Well.. That's because you look really Cute (M/N)-kun!" A girl with curly brown hair and green eyes said as she put on a bright smile and I saw the others nodded their head in agreement, making me blush and slightly shy. I wasn't really good at taking compliments because it always flutter me too much.

I put on a nervous/shy smile to them my right eye twitched a bit, "Really? I don't think I'm that cute.. thought.." I said in a low voice, because I was a little too shy at the moment to speak up, but for some unknown reason again, the girls flinched after I said that, one of the girls that was close to me, had a sudden nose bleed, making me panic and quickly got a tissue that was provided on our table. After getting some I wiped the blood for her, but some got on my finger that was holding the tissue, the girl noticed making herself look up at me while gulping, "I-I'm s-sorry (M/N)-kun!!" She looked like she was panicking, while I stayed quiet making the other girls go silent not making a single drop of sound. I looked at the little blood that was on my finger with a blank expression,

"They're... really red and.. filthy..." I said bluntly making the girl that had a nosebleed faint. And the other girls looked like they were on edge, but still smiling at me with blushing faces. I was confused and nervous of my results of Hosting.

D-Did I mess up..? I asked myself, swallowing the lump on my throat then nervously glanced at the girls.

Suddenly out of the silence, a girl spoke up, she had lushing black raven hair and dark blue eyes with a little mole on the bottom of her left eye, "Um.. (M-M/N)-kun..." She paused I looked at her direction my fingers fidgeted nervously waiting for her to continue.

She took a deep breath before continuing, "IS IT OKAY IF I DESIGNATE YOU TOMORROW, AS WELL!?" She asked really loudly and a little fast for me to catch up, my eyes gazed to the other three girls that looked like they wanted to say the same thing, I stared down at the earlier raven haired girl, with a puzzled expression, but I guess like always my eyes takes over, "Huh..? Tomorrow..?" I asked putting on a confused (and nervous) smile, I could feel my eyes twitched a bit, The girl flinched again and apparently so did the others, "I-I MEAN I WILL DESIGNATE YOU EVERYDAY!!" She said. I could see her face really red and her pupils looks like they were spinning, in the corner of my eyes I saw some of Haruhi's guests turned their heads to my tables direction and so did the other guests that was close to us, making me panic and flustered at the attention I was getting.

WHAT'S HAPPENING?????? I asked in my head I was beyond confused.

| Third Person's POV

Oh no..... Onii-chan looks like he's panicking again.. Should I help him? But it looks like even when he's panicking his guests looks like they like him.. Haruhi thought as she smiled at her big brother.

At the sidelines the other hosts were watching commenting at the Fujioka siblings Host acting(But the two siblings didn't really acted them out lol).

"Haruhi's being accepted.." One of the twins said looking at the direction of Haruhi's table.

"A complete Natural," The tall raven said adjusting his glasses.

"He doesn't need techniques." The twins said in sync, then looked at their marooned haired senpai, "Hm, (M/N)-senpai looks papular too.." Hikaru comments as he rested his head on top of his palm, "Yeah, But I don't think everyone would really like to look at those scary eyes," Kaoru comments too, making the blonde who was watching and the raven who was writing down something on his black notebook look up and turned their heads to the older Fujioka.

"Hm, Yes. Some don't really like that kind of type," Kyoya said looking at the male who looked like he was still nervous and panicking, Tamaki and the twins looked at Kyoya asking the same questions out loud, "What's his type, Kyoya(senpai)?" The three asked all in sync.

Kyoya smirked lightly writing something down on his black notebook, "The Sadistic Type." He answered making the twins say, 'Ohhh' like they understand, "Yeah that fits him," The twin gingers said giving identical grins to the Marooned haired boy from where they are. Then went off to somewhere else. But Tamaki on the other hand continued to ask dramatically to why 'mommy' (Kyoya) gave that title to their sweet and innocent 'son'(M/N).

But someone finally interrupted the 'husband' and 'wife's' quarrel, it was the familiar (fake)smiling maroon haired girl holding onto a teacup, elegantly.

"Tamaki-sama..." She called out, making the Blonde turned his head to his guest,

"Ahh~!! Forgive me, my Princess~ I was just concerned about our two newest members there." Tamaki said giving the girl his signature princely smile.

After hearing that the girl's finger flinch lightly, not enough visible to the oblivious blonde beside her. She quickly put on a fake smile to cover for the slight flaw she made. "You seem to have an eye on them a lot..." She started glancing at the blonde with slightly cold eyes.

"Of course. I am raising them like my own..." The blonde answer giving her a glance too before snapping his finger, making the two close siblings turn their heads to the direction of where the 'snap' sound was made.

Thanks for reading another chapter guys! See you all on the next Update again! (hopefully...)

(This is just me talking, you guys can ignore me if you want)
This is going to be a long story... I mean we're only at episode 1 on ohshc y'all And it's already like 9 chapters already and episode 1 is not even finished yet, haha. And I'm going to follow the episode of this Anime not the manga, So... I don't know how many chapters will this fanfic reach since there's two more or one more chapter left to finish ohshc's episode 1, then maybe... 12 x 20 + extra special chapters I think. That's probably how many chapters this fanfic will be... You guys can calculate on your owns lol

Oh and I just looked at this fanfic's rank and guys... y'all... Why...? Dudes why am I NUMBER 1 at LazyAuthor?? Am I that... lazy..? 👁👄👁

WC: 1380

Have a nice day everyone~! Always stay safe~! Love y'all~ mua~ 💋


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