07| Why Is Everyone So Scared Of Me?

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Sorry for the late update!! Here's another drawing for y'all as an apology! Please don't forget to vote (*''*)

After eating the cake that Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai offered me, I went back to my little sister with the happiest smile, but it quickly faltered when I saw Tamaki blowing on my sister's neck.

I quickly went to my sister and glared at Tamaki with one eye, making him flinch. I pushed him away and put Haruhi behind me.

"Would you stop being a pervert, mongrel?" I said as my one eye twitched. An imaginary arrow Hit straight past Tamaki's chest and he somehow, ended up in an emo corner then he started to grow mushrooms there.

Kyoya then started to say something, "By the way, your dept being eight million yen, you two will be the club's dogs until graduation." I looked at him, shocked.

EH!? 'Till we graduate!? I thought, not believing it one bit.

Kyoya turns to us and gave a closed eyed smile. "Ah, Apologies," He starts again, "You two will be in charge of trivial chores. The two of you are free to run away, but my family has around a hundred talented private police." He said, adjusting his glasses. "Do you two... hold passports?" He asked smirking, my sister and I just zoned out a bit, "Huh..?!" We both said.

"That's right, work like a Dog, eh, Dosaoka-kuns~!" An annoying voice suddenly said behind me. He put his arm around me and blew on Haruhi's ear again, She quickly jumped forward breathing heavily, "Please stop that!" She said putting a hand on her nape.

"Yes... Please stop it or you'll regret it." I said softly while slapping his hand off and gave him a smile, but my eyes obviously said otherwise.

"EEEEEK!!" Tamaki screamed, quickly hiding behind Kyoya, shaking and dramatically crying. The tall raven just sighed and wrote something on his black notebook.

After a minute or so, Tamaki miraculously recovered and went back to his ranting.

"You know you two won't be popular with the ladies just like that, Well I think you'll be popular (M/N)," He started pointing at me. "Hm.. but you're little brother? I don't know, he's a little too... pathetic," Tamaki Said putting a hand on his chin like he was thinking.

"You say he's... pathetic.? Take a look at yourself first, before you say that.. mongrel."  I said glaring my one eye at him, he backed off frowning with fake tears.

"I'm Fundamentally not interested in that," Haruhi said.

Tamaki gasped at Haruhi's statement, "What are you saying? It is a very important issue!" He said dramatically, and suddenly pulled out a red rose out of nowhere, pointing at me and my sister, "A good man making women happy is everything!" He said, putting on his usual annoying smile.

"It doesn't really matter, does it?" My sister said cutting off Tamaki's ranting.

"Men, Women or looks... It's what's inside that matters for a person. I'm clueless as to why this club even exists.." My sister said again looking at the hosts, I patted her head a bit making her look up at me, "Well said Haruhi." I said smiling gently at her, she smiled back, It was a really nice moment for us siblings, "It's a cruel thing..." but the moment was ruined when Tamaki spoke again.

The two of us looked at the blonde.

"God sometimes creates perfect beings with perfect insides and outsides." He said while hugging himself and giving dramatic poses.

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