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Sorry for the late update everyone! But After getting a critisism and being accused of an art stealer on my art a few days ago.. I felt really down and couldn't help but cry a few minutes sometimes. Because of that I couldn't write anything at all.. I'm very sorry.. Hope you enjoy this chapter at least :)

~~~ Somewhere in France~~~

The beeping sound of gaming console along with the sound of a controller buttons being pushed filled the dark room. The room's curtains was closed-shut, the only light emmiting from the room was from a small parted part of the curtains and the light from the screen of the tv. The room was filled with the same dolls, thought it was all different sizes. The figurines all lined up neatly in the closet.

[ "I love you. I think about nothing but you. Let us spend the rest of our days together." ] The character inside of the game says as he smiled inside the screen.

« "I'm so happy... Miyabi-kun.." »

« "It's not possible... now.." »

"I'm so happy... Miyabi-kun.." A soft voice said picking that and continued to play her game in the dark room.

"My Lady. The master has returned." The sound of a woman says as she knocks on the door, the brunette that was playing the game can hear her clearly, but she chose to ignore it, making her maid ask again with a slightly concerned voice, "My Lady?"

The door opened imitting light from there to the inside of the room. A man dressed neatly stood with the maid who asked for her lady.

"Renge.." The man called for his child, thought the girl still continued to ignore and just played her game. The man sighed tiredly, but smiled nonetheless. "Renge really likes playing games, huh?" Her father says. This time the girl responded while still playing, "Is that wrong?" She softly asked.

"Oh no, no." Her father said before going on, "Father wants you to live your life freely and easily.." Her father says smiling at his daugther, "I'll let you do whatever it is you want: I promise you." He finished. The girl paused for a moment from her game, "I see.." She replied then continued her game.

~Time skipped~

"How was your business trip to Japan?" The dirty blonde girl, named Renge asked her father, gracefully drinking from her tea with a blank look.

"It'll probably work out. Ah yes. I was dining with mmy business partner's family last week.." Her father paused as he ramaged in his pocket pulling out a picture and handed it to her with a gentle smile, And here's a photo that was taken then." He finished.

Renge put down her tea and took the picture that was handed to her. She stared at the photo with slightly wide eyes, her hand shaking. "They have a son who is also in high school right now." Her father continued on.

"Father.." Renge called softly, not taking her eyes off of the photo.

"Hmm?" Her fanther asked her with a smile, waiting for his daughter to continue on.

Suddenly the dirty blonde haired girl stood up slamming her hand on the table startling her father. "I will marry this man!" She boldly said showing the picture back to her father. Her father's mouth hung open from shock.

SÄDÏSTÏC TŸPË [ OHSHC x MALE! READER! ] (OHSHC Fanfic) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now