42| Evil Maid

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| (M/N)'s POV

"This.. is a dream, right?" Haruhi asked beside me as the two of us looked at the artificial trees and plants. As well as beautiful tropical birds flying around us. I stared at some in awe wanting to pet one. Thought I pushed the feeling away for now trying to focus on Haruhi's question, as I answered: "We are in Japan, which geographically isn't tropical.." I said.

"Yeah.." My sister said as she looked to be also looking at the tropical birds.

"Behold, (M/N) and Haruhi," Tamaki's voice suddenly went between me and Haruhi as he placed a hand at our shoulders. As always I glared at him as soon as his hand touched Haruhi, making him put his hands up in surrender with a sheepish smile.

"T-There are some tropical birds... They are such beauties.. I wonder what they're called." Tamaki said, scratching his nape with a sweat drop.

My glare dropped as I looked at the cute birds in the distance.

"Where's the exit again?" Haruhi asked with no care for the beautiful creatures at all. I went to one of the birds with a slightly nervous look, wishing that this time they won't fly away like last time. When I was going to pet one of them they flew away as soon as I try to reach my hand to them. I fown and slumped sadly thinking thata I'll never be able to pet the cute tropical birds.

"Spending casual time like this is... very important for people like us who work on our looks day and night." Tamaki's voice pulled me out of my trance of sadness woe. Replacing it with a tired look. Thought I tried to ignore him when I saw another cute bird flying near me, making my eyes sparkle like a child would get a lollipop in a candy store.

"This whole thing is meaningless and preposterously inconsequential, so can we go home?" Haruhi asks as she pulled me away from another attempt to pet another cute tropical bird. I frown again and sighed sadly once more.

When will be the day when a cute animal will let me pet them? I thought to myself as frown even more at my seemingly hopeless thought.

"We need to study and I have to do our laundry today." Haruhi said as she tried to comfort me by patting my head, even thought I'm mush older than her sometimes I feel like she's actually the mature one in our family.

"Above all else... where is this place?" Haruhi asked. I finally looked up and eyed Tamaki with a same puzzled face like Haruhi, "Exactly my thought, where the hell are we?" I asked.

~Flashback to what happened earlier~

The day was done and Haruhi and I decided to study at the library. Thought when were heading there by using the School's courtyard as a shortcut, we were stopped when we were suddenly grabbed by our wrists, locking us to their advantage, I was ready to punch whoever was the one that tried to do this to me and my sister, but I stopped when I saw two familiar develish grins at each our sides.

It was the twins.

"Targets.." Kaoru starts as he squeezed me in a thight hug lock.

"Captured!" Hikaru finished as he did the same to Haruhi.

Haruhi and I from shock and confusion, looked at the twins with wide eyes to why they were doing this.

"Huh?" "What?" Haruhi and I asked at the same time. Suddenly a large luxurious black limousine suddenly pulled in front of us. I had a bad feeling about what was going on, as soon as I saw who pulled up as they rolled the window down. It was the familiarly annoying Blonde mongrel.

"Good take them away," Tamaki said with a business smile.

He was wearing suspecious sunglasses and had tropical flowers around his neck, that looked to me were gumamelas.

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