14| Your 8 million Will be Reduced!

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Haruhi's reaction when she finally reduces her debt ↗️😂

Haruhi and I met up at lunch and are now both studying in the library. But that was soon ended when we both heard the bell rang, signaling that club activities are starting. We both sighed in a gloomy way, closing our notebooks and the books we borrowed.

"Here, I'll return them first." I said to her as I took the book off from her hands, placing it on top of mine as I now walked to returned them to the shelf we took it from.

Coming back, after returning the books, I see my sister waiting at the Library's door. "Let's go?" I asked as soon as I arrived by her side, she gave me a smile in response and nodded her head, the both of us exited the library and speed run to the direction of the Host club room, after a while I saw that there are fewer students around the halls, signaling that they are probably already in their respective club rooms, except for us siblings.

"They're going to hound us if we're late," She said starting to fast her speed until she started to run now, me following after her. "Yeah, you're probably right," I said as we both run towards the direction to where the host club room was.

When we finally got to the door of our club, I suddenly felt a chill in my spine. Haruhi was about to open the door, but I stopped her hand making her look at me with a puzzled expression.

"What's wrong, nii-chan?" She asked me as she raised a brow.

"I have a bad feeling about what's behind those doors let's not open it," I said, feeling chills once again.

"Well, we still need to go inside or we'll never hear the end of it," She said opening the door, before I could protest more.

I was blinded by the sudden light when she opened the door. And when I adjusted my slightly blurry vision from the blinding light before my eyes widened at the sight that I was seeing before me. To be honest my jaw almost dropped when I saw the place decked out like a tropical paradise.

What... the... hell...?

"Where..." Haruhi started and slowly took a step forward going inside as she looked at the tropical scene. "...Is this?" She asked a sweat rolling down from the side of her face. Instead of a right away explanation to 'what the freaking hell is going on' we were just greeted by chorus of voices, "Welcome!" by six familiar figures of males that were all wearing some kind of ancient tropical clothes.

The two of us stood there with twitching awkward smiles with a gloomy atmosphere around us. But then a bird suddenly landed on top of Haruhi's head, I didn't notice it until it flapped it's wings. I looked at the bird staring at it, making it aware of me and look at my direction, tilting its head, like it was asking what I was staring at for. I then thought that it was kind of cute and wanted to take it to pet it in my arms, that thought made me smile unknowingly, but after I just smiled and about to reach my arm to it, its eyes suddenly looked frightened at me? Then flied away. I looked disappointed that it just flew away, making me frown.

But I just wanted to pet you... I thought pouting to myself as I looked at the bird that was on top of a palm tree not that far, but not that close either. I then gave him a light glare, but maybe it wasn't a good idea, because after I did that he flew away even further.

"Oh it's just Haruhi and (M/N)-senpai. You guys are late." The two gingers said in sync. Taking my attention back to the conversation they were having.

I saw Haruhi pulled out her mini calendar, taking a look at it, "According to my calendar, this is definitely still early April." Haruhi said, stating what was on her calendar.

"Huddling under a Kotatsu table, fearing the cold would be nonsense!" Tamaki exclaimed, ignoring my sister's statement as he just posed instead while slowly walking towards us. "Why else do we have this perfect heating and cooling system?" Tamaki exclaimed once more as he posed another dramatic pose. Making my sister click her tongue and me doing the same with a light glare.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose while cutting in on Tamaki's rant, "But what the hell did you guys do to this place?" I asked annoyed at this rich boys.

"Do you have some sort of criticism of our club's policies? Haruhi-kun and (M/N)? Don't forget the both of you still owe us a debt of 8 million yen." Kyoya stated as he looked up from his black notebook. Striking me and my sister of the memory of that stupid vase braking. But then I realized something.

"Hey wait a minute!" I suddenly shouted making the hosts look towards me with surprise and confuse looks, "Isn't it Honey-senpai's fault that the vase broke too!?" I stated only realizing why it actually broke. I point at Honey-senpai who was startled when I suddenly pointed at him. I know it's a little late, but I don't really care.

The hosts all begun to 'humm' as they try to remember what happened, going to a flashback.

"Oh, now that you mention it, Yeah! I guess I was involved in that too!" Honey-senpai said, smiling innocently, not denying the fact that he's also responsible of breaking the vase too. As for me I looked at him surprised that he's actually admitting it. I looked at the other hosts to see how they'll react, but they looked like they don't really care that much.

I looked down and covered my mouth with one hand. I slowly grinned then looked up towards Honey-senpai, mouth still covered.  "H-Hah! Then you'll take some of the responsibility to pay for it too right!?" I said getting a little excited as I pointed at Honey senpai again, still grinning under my hand.

Honey-senpai blink, then put on his signature adorable smile once again, "Sure, (N/N)-chan!" Honey-senpai said as he hopped off of Mori-senpai's shoulder doing a back flip before landing safely on the ground. I looked at him a little amazed of that stunt, but everyone else looked as if it was just nothing and was normal. "Then, Kyo-chan?" Honey-senpai turns his head to Kyoya, as he continued to still wear his adorable looking smile.

"Yes, I'll inform the Mitsukuni Family," Kyoya said as he pulled out his phone. dialing some number and talked for the phone for a couple of minutes. After talking to the phone he closed it and put it back on his pocket.

Kyoya smirks towards me and Haruhi. "Congratulations, Fujioka siblings. Your 8 million debt has been reduced," Kyoya stated as he adjusted his glasses. I uncovered my mouth and grinned uncontrollably. I was really overjoy to know that it was reduced even if it's just like nothing to these rich bastards. "Hear that Haruhi?" I said as I slowly turned my head to look at her, then saw that she looked amazed and looked like she was trying to process what just happened.

"But don't celebrate so easily Fujioka siblings," Kyoya suddenly says, making me turn towards him. "Yes, your debt are reduced because Honey-senpai paid for some of it, but the two of you will still need to pay off the remaining 6 million yen," Kyoya says as he adjusted his glasses, giving his signature smirk. But to his surprise I didn't frown and still stayed firm with my big ridiculous grin. "Heh..don't worry— ah, wait actually no... This Host Club doesn't need to worry! Because... I love saving money, so we'll definitely pay for it, just you guys wait!" I exclaimed, the hosts including my sister all looked stunned at the expression I had and declaration I just spoke.

It's a chap short today... I'm sorry, I'm just. I'm on my (.) and it fucking sucks that I get crumps when I write, so I'm sorry again. Hope y'all still vote thou.

WC: 1413

Have a nice day everyone! Always stay safe! 🤟 💋

~ Aiko

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