41| Shirou's Piano Piece

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| Third Person's POV

As soon as the maroon haired boy was finished delivering the documents to the B building, he pulled out his phone and was going to text Haruhi to where she was along with the rest of the host club, but he stopped when he suddenly heard noises coming from one of the classrooms near where he was.

Being curious he slowly listened while going in front of the classroom.

"If you all come here, then what's the point of having us wear disguises and coming in here?" A familiar voice said, making the maroon-haired male get even closer to listen and try to remember who's voice this was.

"It's okay," Another familiar voice says.

"Not like anyone's here." Another agreed.

Wait don't tell me- (M/N)'s trail of thoughts were caught off when sudden foot steps were heard in the near hallways, the maroon haired male unconciously panicked as he went inside the classroom, tripping over his shoes and accidentally falling on top of the host that was nearest to the door... which was Mori. The hosts inside, all eyes went wide at the sudden familiar male along with the quite intimate and awkward position he had with his senpai.

It wasn't even a second, but the Maroon haired male already processed their position. And because of it he blushed a madly shade of red. His senpai looked at him with slightly wide eyes with dusted rosy cheeks. The male on top wanted to quickly get out of the position, but stopped when the tall raven's hands placed themselves on the Maroon-haired male's waist to stop him, because of the echoing footsteps slowly approach the halls in front of the classroom they were in. Thought there were also confused feelings that the raven was feeling when the maroon-haired male was on top of him.

The burning cold glares from two males in particular made (M/N) unconciously shiver slightly. While the other hosts had an annoyed feeling sitting in their stomach for some unknown reason.

Once the footsteps were confirmed gone by Haruhi, (M/N) was quickly pulled away from his senpai by a certain jealous ginger haired kohai.

"U-Um, about what happened Mori-senpai... I'm sorr-" The maroon-haired male was cut off when Kyoya suddenly spoke, "There's something interesting over here," he said as he looked at some picture in the classroom's walls. Getting everyone's attention, including the two flushed males, which was not that flustered anymore, because their attention was diverted by the other raven haired male with glasses.

"What is it?" The brunette asked as she stepped to take a look with the 2nd year and 3rd year, along with the other remaining hosts. Instead of reponding Kyoya pointed at a certain picture where Shirou and a girl were playing piano.

"Oh, it's Shirou!" (M/N) said, taking a closer look beside Kyoya.

"The classical music club, eh?" Kyoya said to himself.

"He seems pretty happy. This is the expression Shirou-kun smiles with, huh?" Haruhi says in awe as she also stared at the photo. "Yeah.." The blonde said with an unreadable look.

~Little Time skip~

"There he is! It's Shirou-chan!" Honey-senpai said getting all the hosts' attention to look inside the classical music club. Seeing Shirou, who was gazing outside the giant window, with a dull look.

The host's also saw that the same girl in the picture they looked at earlier went to talk to Shirou. She had a beautiful brown-redish hair that was tied into a cute loosed pigtails. She also had a beautiful pair of hazel eyes and had fairly pale skin. She looked to be asking the dark amber-haired boy about something, when the girl stopped a little, to stare and process at what the boy had said. After a few minutes she smiled and nodded at whatever Shirou had told her, then went to the grand piano to play a piano piece.

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