59| Because I Heard...

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| Third Person's POV

"You idiots! He still has a fever!" Haruhi angrily scolded the hosts after her older brother just passed out from all the overwhelming attention that he had just gotten from the six boys.

The hosts' quickly felt guilty at what they had caused except for the raven with glasses of course.

"Don't worry my family will cover the expenses of the hospital bill, though this will add to both of your debts." Kyoya, the raven with glasses stated as he looked to be computing the total amount of the Fujioka sibling's debt.

"You fucking heartless money making bastard.."  Haruhi angrily murmured from irritation a vain could be visible on the left side of her forehead.

"Whaaa!! Where did my little girl learn these foul languages!" Tamaki screamed from shock and sadness.

"Would you quiet down! There's a patient here!" Haruhi angrily said punched the back of the blonde's head.

Tamaki quickly cried out, quietly of course. He already learned his lesson the first time.

"Can you guys just be useful for once and buy some food for all of us or something?" Haruhi asked in irritation as she tried to calm herself down.

"We'll go! We'll go!" The twins enthusiastically said in sync, seeming excited to buy some commoners food by a nearby commoner store. The twins quickly went out before Haruhi could even say anything back.

"Then Takashi and I will get us all drinks!" The small senior of the group said as he jumped up and sat on one of the tallest boys in the room who had short raven hair with a stoic look on his facial expression. The seniors then left the room after and went on their journey of finding everyone their drinks.

"I'll uh.." Tamaki starts as he tried to think of something, then he saw a vase with no flowers in it whatsoever, giving him an idea on what he could do. Making him smile brightly after the thought came to him. "I'll go buy some flowers to brighten up the room a little bit!" Tamaki happily says, looking as if he was a puppy wagging his tail after his bright answer and then went out the door as well.

Haruhi turned to the last person, Kyoya. Who was looking at the now sleeping maroon haired male.

As if feeling the gaze upon him, Kyoya looked back at Haruhi and gave his usual business smile.

"Seeing that everyone went out. Then I'll check the people in charge of Mr. Fujioka's case and see how much the bill is." The raven said, still holding up his business smile as he walked out, making the urge to beat him up inside the brunette who smiled back though one of the smile's edge twitches a bit from irritation.

After the last of the six boys went out, the brunette quickly took in a deep breath then let it all out as if letting out all the stress and frustration inside her all out in one go.

She then looked at her brother's laying figure and sighed once more.

"Good grief.." She said, sitting down at a nearby seat by her brother's bed.

"Well will those idiots stop hitting on my brother?" The brunette muttered underneath her breathe from annoyance at the thought of handing her kind and caring older brother to one of the six retards.

"I swear if you pick Kyoya senpai, I will hit you hard 'till your senses goes back." Haruhi threatened the sleeping male.

"I'll go and tell dad why you're not home, I'll be right back nii-chan." Haruhi said and planted a small kiss on her brother's cheek before leaving as well to go to the rooftop and make a phone call. Leaving her brother in the silent white room.

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