19| What's wrong with Mori-senpai?

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Like in the title there's going to be a little Mori and (M/N) moment everyone~! Hope you like and vote this chapter again everyone!^^

~~~Next Day~~~

"Quick, quick, slow... quick, quick, slow..." I heard Kasugazaki say as she gracefully lead Haruhi as they dance. "Good, Haruhi-kun. On 'slow', bring your feet together." She explained, with a elegant smile. "The gentleman always leads. Be sure to look at the girl you're dancing with." She says smiling at Haruhi. "Y-Yes" Haruhi said, nervous can be heard in her voice. I glanced at Haruhi, seeing her cute confused with a mixture of nervousness in her soft features. Making me smile gently.

Haruhi then suddenly tripped I was going to ready to stand up from my seat to see if she was okay, but I guess she is since the two looked like they're fine.

"I'm so sorry, Kasugazaki-san!" Haruhi apologized, but Kasugazaki looked like she didn't mind. and held onto Haruhi's neck in an intimate manner, "That's all right, Haruhi-kun." My eyes twitched a little from slight irritation, along with my three fingers in my right hand.

Calm down. She's a girl so it's fine... Stop being so overprotective (M/N)! I thought to myself. Breathing slowly to calm myself down.

I tiredly sighed and tried to not look at the intimation of the girl and my sister, as my eyes slowly shifted to the small blond who went in front of me. His big Toasty topaz dough eyes stared into mine innocently, making me smile once more while he smiled back.

"Nee, (N/N)-chan.. why aren't you practicing?" Honey-senpai asks as he starts to pull out the chair across my table next to me as he sat on it with his cute little toy bunny in one of his hands. I sighed out loud and lean forward on the table with one of my hand.

"Well, actually half of the girls I asked for practice always runs away before I even get to ask them to dance with me... And the others just suddenly faints after about 10-15 minutes while dancing with me," I said sighing tiredly once again. Making Honey-senpai humm in response.

"Oh! I know!" He exclaimed as he hopped off from his seat and grabbed onto one of my wrists, trying to get me to stand up and just go allong with him, which I did.

Once I was out of my seat, I looked at Honey-senpai confused, "I'll be your dance partner then, (N/N)-chan!" he said, as he suddenly gave me a cute plastered smile, making my face slightly heat up from the cute little teen before me.

Just a minute before processing what Honey-senpai said. My face gave a unsure and slightly nervous look of how to say it to him.

"Eh? Um but senpai, I think you're.. er.." I said, making Honey-senpai stop and looked up to me with his signature innocent looking, puzzled face.

Ugh, How can I tell this cute little bean, that he's too small to be my partner? I thought and scratched the back of my neck nervously.

"Yeah.? What is it (N/N)-chan?" He asked as he tilt his head cutely. The sparkles around his aura of cuteness, bounces off of my face. I smiled with a sweat drop, "Actually never min—" I was cut off when I felt a hand rests on one of my shoulders and heard a familiar soft yet also deep voice behind me saying, "Mitsukuni, you're too small.. to be.. his partner," He stated softly.

Honey-senpai blinked at what Mori-senpai said, then made a cute pout as he suddenly tugged my wrist, pulling me lightly towards him, making Mori-senpai's hand slide off from my shoulder.

"But, I want to be (N/N)-chan's partner so I can help him with dance, Takashi.!!" Honey-senpai whines.

I smiled a little with a sweat dropping on the side of my face at his child-like behaiviour.

My eyes then glanced back towards Mori-senpai seeing him about to speak again, but I beat him to it, when I suddenly blurted out what first came to my mind,

"I-It's fine Mori-senpai!" I cried out, waving my hands around frantically.

"It's just dancing anywaAAa--yYyyy?!" I was being dragged by Honey-senpai to the open floor and he spins me around, as I try not to scream too loudly. While Honey-senpai happily giggled as a light cute blush plastered on both of his cheeks. Which made me smile a little at his kind of dancing. But I still don't know how to get around in this situation, and I was getting a little nauseous when this went on about 10-15 minutes of spinning.

Ugh... I think I'm going to throw up.. I thought to myself, and when I thought I was about to vomit, I felt sudden warm hands snaked their way onto my waist, and grabbed hold to it, as they pulled me towards them embracing me to their chest, thankfully stopping all the spinning. I slowly turned to them to see who helped me before I thought I'd throw up. And my eyes widened when I saw a familiar raven haired male who's eyes looked a little worried as he looked down at me.

"M-Mori-senpai?" I asked, surprised to see him once again.

And after a while I realized our position feeling blood slowly rush up to my face, suddenly feeling hot at this position. And I think he's on the same page as me when his eyes looked a little wider than usual, like he was actually.. surprised.

I felt myself slowly calm down as he slowly and softly slide his hands back in retreat, letting me go from his earlier embrace, the warmth leaving me.

"Why did you--" I was cut off when I heard Honey-senpai cut in saying, "Takashi.! Why'd you do that for?" Honey-senpai asked, wearing a cute and confused look. Mori-senpai took a minute as he looked towards Honey-senpai then to me and then down to one of his hands, as he slowly clench it softly.

"I.. don't know.." Was what he softly said, with a readable confused expression. As he continued to just stared at his hand.

I looked at him with concern and a little mixture of confusion to what happened earlier.

What's wrong with Mori-senpai..?

Sorry for a short chapter everyone, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I hope to see you beautiful people again on the next one! (*'︶'*)╯♡

WC: 1135

Thank you once again for reading! Always stay safe everyone and see you all again probably next week! love and kisses~ mua~! 💋


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