06| The Hosts' Acts

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That's my drawing everyone! You better recognize it! MINE! Oh, yeah and that's what he looks like! Hope y'all like it, by giving me votes!

I saw Haruhi putting some coffee on four cups and put hot water on them, when I got there.

"Coffee is served..." Haruhi says, plainly like she doesn't care.

"Let's enjoy!" Tamaki says as he posed dramatically.

"I might be a little scared of drinking this." One of the guest that was holding a coffee says.

"Father will scold me if I drink this kind." Another spoke up, with a scared look on her face as she looked at the coffee she was holding.

After that statement Tamaki put his hand on her cheek saying something cheesy, "Would you drink it if we went mouth-to-mouth?" He asked with his usual charming smile.

"I-I would." The girl said, stuttering with a blushing face.

All the girls eyes that was there turned into hearts, squealing loudly.

"Good grief..." Haruhi says, rolling her eyes.

I just sighed and went over to Haruhi then hugged her from behind making some of the guests that was there squealed and focused more on us than the coffee.

Tamaki looked at us as if he wants to hug too, but I just stared at him bored. Making him sulk on a corner.

I got off of Haruhi and made a 'special coffee'. "Hey Tamaki." I called out making him turn to me with a surprised look and some of the guest there looked too, wondering why I called their 'King of the Host Club' and because this was the first time I called out to him.

I went to him with the 'special coffee' I made for 'him only'. "You said earlier that you would try the coffee that me and Haruhi bought out, right?" I asked. He nodded.

"Then why not try it? Here I made it 'specially' for you." I said smiling. He looked at the 'special coffee' I made then back at me. He gasped dramatically. As he put his hand over his chest dramatically like he was touched.

After a few minutes, Tamaki was just making weird poses, and still haven't drunk the 'special coffee' I made which made my exposed eye twitch from irritation, but I still kept my smile on.

"Are you gonna drink it? Or do you want me to do it for you, Tamaki?" I asked my eyes were twitching I gave a grin to him, the girls blushed and some faint. Tamaki blushed lightly which I didn't noticed.

I took a step I looked up at him, I can't quiet reach him because of my stupid height, so I decided to pull his tie down accidentally making it looked like I forced him, while still grinning.

The girls squealed and Tamaki blushes again, but the lights made them look like nothing to me. I made him drink my 'special coffee'. Tamaki's flushed face turned pale once he took a taste from the 'special coffee' I made, putting his hand on his mouth like he was going to spit the coffee out, but then he swallowed it.

"Is it nice, Tamaki?" I asked, smiling innocently, contented at my achievement. Tamaki didn't say a word just gave me a shaky thumbs up with his other arm.

"Oh! Really? Do you want some more?" I asked grinning, making him flinch. But the girls squealed and yelling, "Please do It Again!" while they blushed.

"H-Haha, N-No thank you (M/N) I-I think it was enough." He says as he nervously smile, making some of the girls looked disappointed. I grinned back and nodded my head, then went to Haruhi who gave me a look that says, 'What did you put in it?' "Just more coffee." I said honestly, grinning. "Seems like he liked it, I'll make him some again." I said chuckling darkly. My sister sweat dropped and sighed.

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