16| Filthy

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After a couple of minutes, the Host Club was now open for business, I looked over to the hosts tables, as I put down the guests' tea's and coffee to their table.

"Y-You really don't have to deliver these drinks, (M-M/N)-kun!" One of my guests said as she shyly took the tea cup from my hands. I just smiled, before saying, "Don't worry m'lady, I'm just your servant today..." I paused, before thinking of some what I think are good lines, "And I don't want you apologizing to me.. again, okay?" I finished with a slightly closed eyed smile, glancing down at her as I took the other empty cups from the table. She stared at me with a opened-twitching mouth while her face grew a bright red. Making me worry for her a bit. "Are you alright, m'lady?" I asked looking at her worried. My eyes were then captured by my other guests whose' faces were also bright red.

Ehh??? Is everyone sick or something?? I thought looking worried for my guests.

"What heartlessness!" A familiar voice suddenly exclaims close to where I am making me turn my head to that direction, to see who it was.

"Even with my lustrous skin, like Ivory, and my outfit, like that of a Balinese king, all too fitting for me.. I am no more than a slave before my goddess, kneeling and swearing my loyalty.." The Blonde narcissist, Tamaki said doing his princely act, as I cringe at the sight.

"Tamaki-kun..." The costumer that Tamaki was lifting her chin up to him swooned, her eyes were of heart shaped. "Tamaki-sama.." She changed her 'kun' to 'sama' "Fantastic!" his guest exclaimed, before she swings her body side to side with hearts floating above her and Tamaki's other two guests followed after.

My eyes then saw Haruhi, feeling my once cringing mouth smile slightly, but I was captured my Tamaki's voice once again when I heard something,

"Oh yes, next week, Ouran Host Club will be sponsoring a dance party." Tamaki stated as he smiled to his guests.

We're throwing a party? What for? I thought to myself curious of the new information.

I then realized that I was still at my table and that I still need to take orders from the other guests like what my little sister is also doing. So I went to the Twins table to put their and their guests' orders.

"What will you be doing at this dance party?" My ears perked up when I heard one of the twins guest asked them about the party. I slowly put down their drinks to listen to the information that they'll be dropping.

"We're renting the large hall in the central building.." Hikaru answered first as he leaned back to his chair, comfortably.

"..and we're throwing a big main event there." Kaoru Finished as he then leans in the table using his arms while he rest his chin on top of his hands.

My eyes glance boredly at Hiraku as he slowly grabbed Kaoru's chin up,

"Although, I really wanted to spend the time alone with you, Kaoru." Hikaru said, as the twins starts to put on thier incest act. "Don't say that, Hikaru..." Kaoru states slowly in a charming-like-voice, as he slowly slightly closed his eyes, "I'm the one who really wanted it.." He finished. Their costumers seems to like it as they squeal at the twins' act. I took the empty cups from their table, placing them on my tray, and just soullessly smiled at the scene, their sparkle bouncing past me.

I slowly and soullessly walked away from their table with a look that says, 'I don't want to see that sh*t again.'

"Brotherly love, with a south tropical flavor!" I heard their guests screaming as I walk over to the counter where I see Haruhi and Kyoya talking about something. When I was approaching them I could finally hear their conversation,

"Did you come up with this tropical project, Kyoya-senpai?" I heard Haruhi asked.

"I have no decision-making authority. This club's policies are all tied out by the king, Tamaki." Kyoya replies as he stopped writing from his black notebook, when he adjusted his glasses as he wears his usual fake smile, "Although, I may have found it worth the effort to casually slip a photo book of Bali onto his desk." He said, obviously happy because of his mastermind plan to have worked.

So he's the real brains behind the operation... I thought noting in the new information inside my mind. I glanced towards Haruhi and she looked like she was thinking the same thing.

My eyes then went back to my table and my eyes widened when I saw and just remembered that I still have guests. I quickly went to my table with a apologetic look.

"I-I'm sorry that I left you ladies.! P-Please tell me anything that you all want me to do for leaving you.!!" I said between light pants. looking straight in their eyes apologetically.

They all looked stunned and I saw their pupils slowly looked down at my body? then looked back up to my eyes with faces that slowly turned red.

"N-N-No.!! I-It's quiet alright.!!" One of my guests said in a squeaky voice. I looked towards her with a worried look, "M'ladies... you all look very red.. A-Are you ladies alright?" I asked sweating from worry.

"N-N-No!! W-W-We're fine (M/N)-sama!!" Another girls squeaked also with a red face as she looked down to my stomach then to my face back and fort.

"S-Should I take you all to the infirmary, to be sure?" I asked, still worrying.

"T-That won't be.. *takes a peek at my sweaty body* ... n-necessary... *slowly gets nosebleed*" Another one of the girls says. My eyes widened when I saw her nose bleeding.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed, unconsciously standing up when I said it, my guest flinched at my sudden action and choice of words. I covered my mouth after realizing what I had just said, "I'm sorry for cursing it's just.." I looked at her nervously, trying to think of what to say about her nose without her freaking out.

"Y-Yes..?" She asked feeling nervous herself, but I couldn't tell because I was still thinking of what to say. I could feel the bottom lid of one of my eye twitched from my nerves wrecking all together from nervousness.

Shit, what the hell should I say??? I thought feeling dizzy from thinking what to say.

I unconsciously backed away from her my one hand still on top of my mouth, but not covering it entirely, I shakily try to point on one of my nose to gesture for her, but it looked like she didn't get it so I took in a shaky breath trying not to mess things up,

"They're... f..." I cut myself off, because I almost squeaked. I clenched my hands making my pointing hand that was pointing on my nose into the shape of the letter 'L' without me realizing it before saying,


I managed to say it!! I said feeling myself grin lightly at my achievement, but what I didn't noticed until later on that time, was that half of my guests have all had a nosebleed too?!

Hello everyone!! Long time no see!! I miss you all so much!!! 。゚(`゚)゚。 But I'm afraid I still need to do my art work before Oct. 19! And it's 10 days before my birthday!! I hope I can update again, please wait for my next update again!

WC: 1262

I love y'all! See you guys again~! 💋


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