51| Daily Life of the Fujioka Family (Part 1)

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Hello! It's been a while, but I'm finally back with a few new chapters and side chapters (but the others are still under my editing T^T), hope y'all will like it!

| Third Person's POV

Tamaki and the rest of the host club stood still eyes wide from shock. They all stared at the residences Address.

"No... No way.." Tamaki muttered his state was still bewildered by the sight of the run down house in frontof him. After a few more minutes of silence, the house's door creepily slid open revealing two pairs of hungry brown eyes.

"Ah, welcome, everyone.." Haruhi happily said, but her appearance looked quite thinner than usual. When she fully opened the door, her older brother, (M/N) looked quite thin as well but still greeted them with a forced smile.

"There's nothing in here, but please make yourselves at home." (M/N) said with tired eyes while still smiling. The host's blankly stepped inside the house, and stood at the door way, looking at the two siblings.

"I'll prepare some tea now.." Haruhi said as she rummaged inside one of their rundown cabinet.

"Ah.. but.. Haruhi we don't have enough cups. I'll see if there's still anymore bowls as a replacement." (M/N) says already looking, retrieving two bowls that had chipped off already and one measuring cup.

"Here you go everyone." Haruhi happily said with a warm yet tired smile.

"Boss.. What is this.. and this house?" Hikaru whispered towards Tamaki who looked like he was sweating from nervousness.

"Is this like some movie set? Even so, this is too much.." Kaoru added with a creeped out look.

"C-C-Calm down! This must be... the storage room! What's probably behind those sliding doors is an infinitely wide cosmos." Tamaki whispered back trying to convince the twins and himself as well.

"Then let's open the doors," The twins asked with determination.

"Don't!" Tamaki interjected.

"Ok," The twins slumped.

"Oh, yeah. Dad told me to serve something since you all come around noontime. In order to serve something good for you guys.. We have been fasting for three days and nii-san's been working nonestop with new part time jobs..." Haruhi says with a pitiful look. Honey and Mori looked towards (M/N) with eyes look of pity and looked like they were about to cry from the sad story.

"Tada! Deluxe, first-grade sushi! Amazing, huh? Something like that.." Haruhi said. She and her brother laughing like it was funny, while the host club members just looked bewildered once more. Feeling guilty that they came for a visit without prior notice.

"Haru-chan, we're sorry for coming over to visit you!" Honey cried.

"W-We must not cry! Eat these with all you've got so as to not waste their three days!" Tamaki first picked up his chopsticks the others following after him and all took a bite.

"Haru-chan and (N/N)-chan please eat with us as well!" Honey begged. The two siblings scratched the back their heads and shyly sat down with the host's, grabbing a chopstick for themselves as well.

"T-Thank you.." (M/N) shyly said in an almost whispered voice. Everyone except Haruhi got shot in the heart with imaginary arrows from the cuteness then everyone felt guilt for coming afterwards once more.

"Oh! Could this be.. ootoro? This is the first time I have had ootoro.. Ootoro is delicious!" Haruhi says as she devoured the shushi roll and muched on it with happiness...

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