49| Rage of Silence

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| (M/N)'s POV

An uncomfortable silence with multiple pair of eyes staring at my every movement.. that's what greeted me when I came in. I was first gradually confused at the situation, then became flustered at the attention, and evetually I unconsciously became nervous and uncomfortable at their stares.

"Um, Sorry I was late, I needed to do something,"  I said while awkwardly closing the door behind me.

"Heh," I looked up to see a the familiar tall girl that saved me from my fall from earlier. She was gazing at me with a somewhat playful look.

"You?" I asked, shocked to see her here.

"My.. we meet again," She says with a wink. I could feel a tense and dark aura radiating from the Hosts' side.

"Even for a male, he looks so feminine!" A girl with a dirty-blonde flyaway hair states, she looked like she was impressed as she looked at me up and down.

"He's skin is so fair, and he even has a slim figure!" Suddenly a petite girl was sliding her hands up and down from my chest to my hips, like she was measuring me, I felt my face heat up at the sudden attention.

Out of no where I felt two hands pull me away from the girls, I looked up to see a somewhat slightly glaring Mori-senpai? He was holding me to him protectively. I couldn't help but feel my bi-heart panicking from the closeness, my face quickly heating up, I must resemble a tomato right now.

The tall girl looked to have a sour look, but still smirked nontheless.

"However, it was worthwhile to have come peeked at this notorious Ouran Host Club after our show." The tall girl suddenly states to the Hosts' that seem like they were glaring at her, excluding Honey-senpai.

"We're notorious?" Honey-senpai asked, tilting his head.

"Who knows.." I heard Mori-senpai's deep and soft voice answer from behind me, his breathe fanned the back of my ear, making me shiver instinctively, I felt even more embarrassed, because he's literally back hugging me right now.

"I cannot believe they've got such a helpless female student and a charming male student involved in their activities.." The tall girl says, giving Haruhi and I a look of pity.

"S-She's actually my sister," I answered. Making the lady turn to me and looked like she was about to cry.

"Even worse! Siblings who has pure hearts!" She says, grinding her teeth together from anger when she turned towards the hosts.

"Huh?" Haruhi asked confused of the situation.

"I don't care if your president is a half or not! But to use flashy looks to create a fictitious love.. and fool hearts of maidens is completely discrimination against females. To call this club activity and use it for your own greed and profit is totally inexcusable!" She states with passion, I can see her determination, but why is she pointing at Haruhi and I when I'm not a girl. I felt a sweat drop, just thinking that she forgot my gender.

"I swear.. that I will abolish the Ouran Host Club at once! Hail Zuka Club!" She declaires and the three of the girls saluted.

"I see. I understand your intention, but could we continue this another time?" Kyoya suddenly spoke as he adjusted his glasses. Making the girls look to his direction.

"Are you saying you will not face us?" The tall girl asked, narrowing her eyes as she smirks.

"No.." He paused before pointing at Tamaki who was sleeping on the couch. "..but our president is still in bed from the culture shock." Kyoya finished, making my eyes twitch from sudden irritation.

SÄDÏSTÏC TŸPË [ OHSHC x MALE! READER! ] (OHSHC Fanfic) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now