39| The Apprentice

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Sorry for pulling an April Fools to you all, but thank you for being understanding, and as promised These are the three chapter update! Spoiler: There's little Kyoya and (M/N) at the end~! ;>

| Third Person's POV

It was already time for club hours to start thought a small boy was still in his classroom who looked rather annoyed yet also troubled. When he was about to leave he was stopped before he could even have the chance to turn the knob. And it was the voice of his professor.

"Ahh, Shirou-kun" The little boy stopped and listened before fully opening the door. "Everyone has already gathered... so come to the practice room as soon as you can." His professor stated with a soft smile. The little boy didn't respond for a moment. He bit his bottom lip and glared at the knob that was still twisted so he could open the door at any time he wanted. He took a shaky breath before saying,

"Sorry, but... I'm quitting the classical music club." The little boy said coldly with a hint of anger in his tone.

The little male's behavior made his professor look at him with a confused look, thought the boy didn't face his professor he already knew how he would react. "Huh? Why so suddenly?" His professor asked with a confused and concerned tone. Then he slowly went to the little boy to give a comforting pat on his shoulder. "I believe you are talented at playing the piano. So take my advice: don't quit." The professor stated with a soft smile before continuing, "If you can play the piano, you'll be very popular amongst the girls in the future." His professor added on, trying to cheer the little boy up.

Thought his words were comforting. But the little boy only gripped thightly on the handle of the door that his hand was holding, making his knuckles turn white from the strong grip while he glared at it even more with pure anger and a mixture of sadness.

"That would take too long!" The little boy yelled in frustration, surprising his professor as he suddenly turned to the man with his still glare.

"I have no time left!" He yelled at his professor before bitting back his bottom lip again then went to burst open the door to run at wherever his frustration would lead him.

The little boy was running so fast in blind anger he bumped into a tall male with beautiful maroon-colored hair. The little boy fell backwards, making him grit his teeth from anger even more. The maroon-haired male wanted to give the little boy a hand, but he slapped the male's hand away as he stood up.

"Get out my way!" The little boy yelled in irritation shoving the male to the side, as he didn't even apologized to him, then continued to run to the direction of the high shcool's abandoned music club.

| (M/N)'s POV

A little boy with elementary clothes suddenly bumped into me making him fall backwards to the ground. My eyes widened and I gave a hand to help him get up, "Hey are you oka-" I was cut off when he suddenly slapped my hand away while yelling, "Get out of my way!" He yelled out as he stood up to shove me to the side then run away towards our building.

I was shocked, confused and a little annoyed at that little boy's attitude, well maybe he's a spoiled brat, but maybe he had some stuff going on with him too, so I didn't yelled to lecture the boy.

I sighed and looked at my hand that was slapped then to the little boy's back that was disappearing into the long halls. I just went to the same direction thought I went to take a turn to where the host club was, thinking that, that little brat is going to his big sister or big brother in this building and that we wouldn't meet again...


I guess I was wrong.

Because when I got to the club room he was there looking intensely at Tamaki and his guest having an intimate conversation with each other. I sighed and went to Kyoya and Haruhi with a confused smile at the little boy next to Tamaki.

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