43| A Favor from Kyoya

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Please take note that this is still from what happened before (M/N) had to wear a pair of PE uniform. I don't wanna spoil, but there's something spicey here hehe.

| Third Person's POV

The maroon haired male had been in the boy's changing room for 5 minutes now. And has been cursing the evil maid in his mind as he look left and right when he peeeked his head through the door, covering his body, but mostly his curvy bottom parts really. The male knew that the hosts'(besides Haruhi and Renge) are all male, yes, but he still feel really embarrass to show this thing (skinny trunks) he was wearing that made the lower parts of his body's detail pop.

Please I just need someone.. ANYONE to get me anything to wear! The male thought pleading to the Lord to send his saviour to him.

After a few more minutes of gazing his eyes around with desperation for help, he spotted his saviour walking from the male's bathroom just right next to where the boy's changing room was. As soon as the maroon haired male saw that the person with light purple hawiian shirt and plain black trunks was in his reach, he pulled the person in the changing room, surprising the male that had raven hair.

"HELP ME.!" The maroon haired male said, desperately clutching at the taller male's shirt.

The raven with small round-glasses opened his mouth in shock when he's eyes travelled down the smaller males form, a really light tint pink shade could be seen on the raven's cheeks if you looked at them closely, but the younger didn't see it because he was pleading at the man to get him some clothes.

"Kyoya, please.!" The smaller male snapped the taller out from staring when the maroon haired male called for the man.

A more visible blush could be seen now when the raven looked away. Kyoya cleared his throat as he looked at smaller male, now with a stoic look with his signature smirk. Thought he couldn't quite calm his poor heart down, he ignore it and leaned his back on the wall behind him.

"If I lent you clothes, will that be added to your debt?" The raven asked, still smirking.

"WHAT!?" (M/N) eyes widened at what Kyoya was stating.

"C-Can't you just lend me something as a classmate?" The maroon haired male asked.

"So a favor from me?" Kyoya asked back with an amused glint in his eyes, an idea poped in his head. A favor would come in handy in the future.

"Y-Yeah, I can repay you back someday," (M/N) said nodding his head. He just can't go out like this.

"Well then, a personal debt is made," The raven said going out the changing room, but stopped at the entrance to look over his shoulder to the smaller male with a smirk,

"But I won't accept money in the future, Mr. Fujioka," He then left to get the maroon haired male some clothes to wear.

(M/N) looked puzzled, not understanding what Kyoya meant at all.


"I just didn't like wearing a swim suit and decided to just wear some PE clothes, 'cause it's too hot with a uniform on," (M/N) said, as Haruhi's explanation finished the same time he finished his flashback.

"And? You two aren't going to swim?" Hikaru asked with a full mouth as he threw the banana peel away on the ground.

"Or are you two those that sinks like a rock?" Kaoru asked after assuming that the two siblings don't know how to swim, and that their using what they're wearing as an excuse to not swim.

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