|| i m p o r t a n t A/N!^^ ||

4.7K 140 38

Hello everyone! (^)/

Dang, I can't believe I reached 500k reads on this fanfic story! Σ(❛□❛✿)

Guys thank you all so much!! 。゚(゚`゚)゚。

I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you all! I would like to do another Q&A with everyone and to those new people that have reached this far as well, Question me, (M/N), (F/N), Mori and even the other characters of the questions you wanna ask! I hope everyone could participate by commenting your questions bellow (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Your Questions

SÄDÏSTÏC TŸPË [ OHSHC x MALE! READER! ] (OHSHC Fanfic) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now