29| As Your Friends

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This chapter.. its uh.. A little cringy..(Well when I made it) Thou Idk if it will for you guys, I hope y'all would vote thought.

| (M/N)'s POV

As I was walking back to the path where the hosts' flower viewing reception was, I heard loud ruckus from the distance, taking my attention away from the flower ring that I have been only looking at in my pinky. 

"Haruhi, you mustn't hang around with those disreputable twins any futher!" I heard a familiar voice exclaim, I squinted my eyes to see better of you said it. But as soon as I saw Tamaki molesting my sister from the distance My eyes turned dark as I turn my hands into fists, but not that hard to not ruin the flower ring on my one pinky.

"Disreputable, you say!?" Hikaru's voice says as he rise his hand up and down with Kaoru.

As I got closer I could feel the vains pop up as Tamaki continued to Molest (shake) my little sister.

"You're the last one we want to have call us that, boss!" Kaoru continued.

The twins and the other hosts seemed to notice my menacing presence, well except for Tamaki. They eventually went to the sides to not get accidentally involved. I took a deep breath and slowly, but quickly side kick Tamaki off of my sister with glowing dark brown with a hint of red in my eyes, sending him flying across the field face-flat on the ground.

The twins clapped as they 'ohh'ed and signs of full 10 scores were in their hands, which I have no idea where they got it from, but couldn't careless as I wrapped Haruhi in a protective hug from behind, making her sweat dropped.

"Where were you nii-chan?" She asks, trying to calm me down from my earlier behavior.

I took a deep breath and rested my chin on Haruhi's head before answering her.

"Just near a garden with a small lake," I said honestly.

"Oh, a flower ring?" She asked, I could tell she was smiling, remembering the times we made flower rings for each other when we were kids.

"Yeah.." I said with a soft smile, suddenly the moment got interrupted by Tamaki's body slowly coming back to life.

"Yes... that's it..." He mumbled, but audible enough to hear.

I glanced towards the hosts seeing them just looking at their King to continue.

Tamaki was holding onto his side, where I kicked him with a dark and dramatic expression on his face, "Sure enough, we can't go on hiding the fact that Haruhi's a girl from everyone!" He exclaimed, still onto his side like there would be blood coming out if he didn't. My eyes darkened and glared at Tamaki as I slightly tightened my hug on my little sister, because who knows what this blonde pervert would do.

"Come on my dear son! Don't look at me like that!" Tamaki says as he dramatically cried waterfalls, I didn't listen to him, but only continued to glare. Suddenly, I felt a large pain struck my head, making me hold onto it, thought the others somehow didn't noticed.

"What Daddy only wants is for your dear sister to go back being the girl student she used to be, surrounded by her girl friends, and living a wholesome life as a student! Go back! Go bak, now! Go back, right now!!" He exclaimed once more as he trashed around like a whining baby. His loud screamings were getting annoying, because I could feel that the ache in my head is getting triggered by it, getting even more painful by the minute.

"She could have had that vision of yours if you didn't made her go and accidentally break the vase that some idiot put out in the open," I said, glaring at Tamaki once more, my hand still in the right side of my head.

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