12| Tanaka, Daiki

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Not my art, but that's what the (M)nurse looks like. I just want to add some characters in this story~ Have fun reading~!

"Whoa.." I blurted out loud. Making the laughing raven male before me stop, looking at my direction. The two us stared at each other's orbs then both looked to our side, an awkward silence followed after.

Kyoya cleared his throat which caught my attention back to look at him again. He adjusted his glasses and turned his back on me saying something before taking a step to walk away, "I would kindly appreciate it if you keep what you saw confidential." Kyoya stated, i blinked before smirking, an idea popped up in my head.

"And if I don't?" I asked, stopping Kyoya at his tracks as he looked over his shoulder to look at me, I was crossing my arms and was still smirking, feeling I had power over Kyoya for once, "If I don't do what you say, what'll you do to me? hm~?" I asked raising my brow at the tall male.

Kyoya's lips frowned for a moment then it suddenly slowly turned up, forming his signature smirk. I looked at him puzzled.

Why is he smirking.??

Kyoya slowly turned his body back to me again. And he took a step forward while I unknowingly took a step back in response. I can't prove it, but I swear that Kyoya's smirk slightly became more bigger, and it's scaring me a little.

Before I knew it Kyoya was in front of me again, but this time, he corner me to a wall... The wall where to the side corner of it are the three unconscious guys were I hid.

"If you don't..." Kyoya starts. I gulp as he stopped mid way of his sentence with a cold, but amused kind of look in his eyes.  "I will double you and your sister's debt." Kyoya threatened, he almost made my jaw drop just the thought of me and Haruhi's debt being doubled. "H-huh?!" I asked sweats dropping from the sides of my face.



And don't forget more deafening silence...

My eyes widened. WAIT IS HE SERIOUS!? I internally yelled. Okay... Just calm down... I swallowed hard and slowly smiled nervously at the male who was still surprisingly smirking down at me.

"Haha.. Ohhh~ Kyoya~ I just asked you that because I-I was curious, you know that r-right? Haha.." I said trying to take back what I had said earlier with a nervous smile while also nervously laughing as I put my hand in front of me, waving them drastically.

Kyoya stared at me and it made me form even more sweat, if that's even possible. There's probably already a pond under my feet.

He then gave a cold smile. "Oh? That's pleasant to heart then. For a moment there, I thought for sure you were serious.. and was planning on blackmailing me.." He said and gave a cold smile once more. I sheepishly smiled at him, "Pff... HA-HA-HA! W-W-Why would I-I even d-d-do that to y-you?? Haha silly Kyoya-~!" I said, feeling my head spinning from the pressure of him finding out that what he said was actually my plan from the start.

Kyoya gave me a cold closed eyed smile. "Well then I'll be off now Mr. Fujioka." He said. I sighed in relief when he was far enough, but I almost chocked from my 'sigh' when he suddenly stated something, "Oh, and please bring those gentleman to the infirmary. It wouldn't be good if someone else saw them. And, treat your swollen cheeks aw well." He then walked away finally leaving me alone there with my mouth hanging open from shock.

I leaned my back to the wall behind me and slowly slide down and then covered my mouth with one of my hand.

Ugh... Kyoya's good... I gazed my chocolate brown eyes to the giant window in front of where I was. Letting out a loud long sigh. Better not mess with him in the future..


"And... *pant.* You... *gasp* are... *pant* the.. *gasp* Last One!" I said finally done carrying and putting each one of them to the infirmary beds.

"And you said the three of them accidentally got hit by falling boxes in the storage room and that three of them coincidentally all got hit in the head, that's why they got unconscious. And you just happen to just past by and see them?" The school nurse asked me while he checked the three guys. I nodded with a nervous smile while sweat dropping.

"Well.." he paused and looked up to me with a gentle smile. "They didn't get any serious injuries, so they'll be fine." He explained. I sighed in relief that he actually bought my story. "Thank you, I'll be going then." I said giving a smile and was going to leave the infirmary, but was stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist. I stopped and turned to the nurse looking at him, he was wearing his warm smile. "I think we should treat your swollen cheeks, before you go." He said pointing at his cheek indicating of my swollen cheeks. "O-Oh, No It's okay. I'm fine you don't have to-" I was cut off when I was dragged and was forcefully made to sit down at the school nurse's seat. "I'm sorry, but I don't like the idea of you leaving with those swollen cheeks after just carrying these three guys by yourself." He said and looked for something on his drawers. I sighed. "Okay." I said giving up with a small smile and sat down at the chair comfortably, making the nurse smile in response.

Waiting patiently for the nurse to finish looking for what he was looking for I gazed around the room to see if there were something to get be out of this boredom. That's when I saw a small picture frame on the desk. I saw that it had a photo of the school nurse and a high school girl holding a bouquet of red roses, who looked like she just graduated. I unknowingly smiled after seeing it.

The nurse came back with two compress and some other medical stuffs. "Okay let's clean your scratched cheek first." He said and I nodded as a response turning to the side to gave him a much nicer view of my scratched cheek.

As he gently cleaned my scratch I stared at the photo where my head was facing. "Is she your daughter?" I blurted out loud, making him accidentally pressed hard on my scratch. "Ow!" I screamed, making him panic lightly and pulled out the cotton with medicine. "Oh s-sorry about that..! ... .. .T-That question... it just startled me I a little.." He said as he scratch the back of his head with his free hand.

I stared at him and blinked. He then continued to clean my swollen cheeks and put some compress on it. The stayed silent for while before he answers again, "She's.. my sister." He said as he slowly pealed off the sticky bandaid cover before putting it onto my scratch. "Oh, uh.. s-she looks pretty." I said smiling lightly. "Yeah.. she was.." He said, making me look at him. "Was.?" I asked blurting out again. "Yup." The nurse was done tendering my swollen cheeks and was now putting the medical tools away.

"Um... I-If you don't mind.. me asking..." I started as I stared at my fingers who were playing all together. "What happened to her?" I finished and it was the same time as he closed his drawer.

Going to add some extra character in the story if y'all don't mind. Hope you guys like the Daiki-kun too, haha. Sorry for the late update and late apology, It's just I've been having authors block these days and just watching anime and reading bl mangas haha~ Hope you guys forgive me~

WC: 1340

Love you all and thanks you so much for so many who likes this fanfic so far~!!! 💋


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