23| Accidental Kiss

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I don't wanna spoil ya'll or anything but I think I'll give a Kaoru and (M/N) moment happen, it's going to be a little angst, but I hope y'all will enjoy it!^^

I calmed down after a few minutes passed, and me and Mori-senpai eventually separated. Mori-senpai didn't questioned me of why I suddenly had a panic attack and cried, which I was thankful for. He then led me to a room, where the other hosts were, and looked like they were really happy, I gazed my eyes, but I couldn't find Haruhi. My eyes then darted to Tamaki who was smiling in a carefree-annoying way. I put a hand on his shoulder, feeling that he has definitely has something to do with Haruhi's Disappearance.

"Where's Haruhi?" I asked him he jumped a little, startled that I was behind him and because of the sudden hand that I placed on his shoulder.

"(M-M?N)..! I-I-- uh, she went to the bathroom..?" He said, his voice became quieter and quieter as he finish it.

I eyed him, and he gulped, I then eyed the other hosts who were here, one of the twins spoke up saying, "She's doing the plan." Kaoru said, with a bored looking expression.

"What plan?" I asked, not liking what this plan that the hosts probably forced her to do.

"The King's plan of course." Kyoya spoke up as he adjusted his glases.

I turned my head towards him, "Yeah I know, but what the hell is it?" I asked again getting irritated at the same answer.

"Haru-chan's going to fake confess to Suzu--c-whan!" Honey-senpai's voiced muffled at the end, because Tamaki quickly covered his mouth with one of his mouth. I felt my eyes felt glare daggers at Tamaki, he sweated uncontrollably and looked like he was going to shit himself.

"Explain, before I ******* rip you into ******* pieces," I demanded, clutching onto his collar, pulling him close to my face in a threatening way.


["You wrote this letter? You're a lot different from what I imagined."] I heard Suzushima say from the microphone that's placed in her broach that's in Haruhi's dress, which I did not know and it fucking annoys me that they are making her to (fake)confess to a guy!

["Letter?"] I heard her ask.

We heard paper rustling, thinking to myself he gave it to her to read it herself.

I turned to Kyoya, "What's in the letter exactly?" I asked, but more sounded like I demand him to answer and I intentionally did it.

"Look for yourself, We made a copy in case something went wrong," The twins said in sync, with both identical mischievous grins while they gave me a piece of paper.

I read the letter with my eyes and what It said was,


Dear Suzushima-kun~,

I'm in love-love! From the first time I ever saw you, my heart fell in super love-love! Tee-hee!It's like, I'm in a never-ending tropical cyclone, not unlike a typhoon, where love is whipping around in my heart, and I want to have a rendezvous with you on Noah's Ark! I do, I do!

Sincerely yours,
Secret admirer~<3


"It's a perfect love letter confession, right~?" The twins asked in their carefree sing-song voices.

I cringed at the letter and comment with a "Ugh" and then my cringing face turned to them into a disgusted-out look that just says, 'THIS IS FUCKING STUPID'

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