11| That's A Rare View

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Edit: Hello!! Sorry for this so late edit. But I finally finished the refreshing KYOYA SMILE!!! Here y'all go! ⬆️ Sorry for those that was here first, but couldn't see the drawing first too!! Bye!! Please.. Don't kill me

I propped my chin on the palm of my hand, Staring at the three students that was unconsciously laying on the floor. I sighed out loud closing my eyes for a minute.

I thought for sure she'd send some more people that could really beat me up to a pulp... I opened my eyes and glanced at the bodies once more. ..To think I only had to use some few self defense moves to take them down.. I feel sorry for them now... I thought frowning and sighed again while thinking what I should do. That was until I heard footsteps approaching. I quickly panicked looking at the three males then to where the sound of the echoing footsteps were coming from. Biting the bottom of my lips as I continuously glance back and fort at the sound and the unconscious boys.

After a moment of finally deciding on what to do. I quickly tried to hide the bodies around the opposite corner for now and just come back for them again later. I tiredly dragged the second one to the corner. It was finally the last guy, "Why... *gasping*.. are you guys soo heavy.!?" I whispered/shouted to the unconscious male I was holding, complaining as I tried to drag him to the corner where the other two was.

"...Mr. Fujioka...?" A familiar voiced called out my name, it came from where the echoing footsteps were coming from. I couldn't fully hide the entire body of the male that I was still dragging. "Shit!" I muttered, my eyes were twitching from nervousness. I glanced back and fort to where the approaching footsteps and to the unconscious male I was holding, feeling panicked. I had to let go of the male, because I could see the approaching guy's shoes. I leaned on the wall trying cover the body part that was still not fully hidden. ( the guy's foot was still sticking out. lol )

"So it really is Mr. Fujioka.."

I slowly turned my head to the owner of the voice to see a familiar face.

"O-Oh... Kyoya.." I said, surprised that's he's even here. "What are you doing here?" I said, scratching the back of my head as beads of sweat covered my entire face while my eyes twitched uncontrollably. "I could ask the same Mr. Fujioka." He said adjusting his glasses as he closed his mysterious black notebook.

I wonder what he writes in there... I thought, and stared at it for a minute, but quickly widened my eyes and shook that thought off my head, Focus (M/N)! If he finds out about them, he'll think I beat them up and would probably get kicked out of this school!! And if I get kicked out... Haruhi... Haruhi will... be surrounded with those annoying savages!! I can't let that happen!! I took a deep breath before, looking back to Kyoya.

"I.. I was just about to go back to the host club room..." I said smiling nervously as my eyes kept on twitching nonstop. Kyoya hums in response, then stared at my face. I quickly felt anxious as he kept on staring, W-Why is he staring at me.?? D-Did I not fool him..? A-Am I-I busted??? Thoughts flooded my head, question after questions kept on popping. Not being able to figure out the right one, but I was snapped back to reality when I felt a hand was placed over my stinging cheek.

"K-Kyoya..?" I asked looking up at him with a puzzled, but still nervous expression. He stared down at me and I felt myself shrinking and sweating rapidly than before.

W-When did he even get in front of me??? <-100% confusion face

"You know.." He started, making me jolt and paid attention to him this time. "Y-Yes..?" I asked, squeaking at some point, feeling my heart ready to jump out of my chest when he'll probably say that he saw what I was doing before he came here.

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